Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ryan's First Seattle Mariners Baseball Game! Mariners lost 4-2 :-(

Paul and I had so much fun taking Ryan to his first Mariners Baseball game. I think what was going on on the field was lost on him -- but we sure enjoyed watching him take in all the new surroundings.

So sweet!

We ran into an old co-worker of Paul's while walking through the stadium -- he snapped this photo for us.
Outside Safeco Field, on our way to Ryan's first game. He did amazing the entire time, with a quick 30 minute nap around the 6th inning.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


At one month old, hard to believe he was ever that little! Taken 8/31/07
Oops! We did some adjusting and securing of the crib bumper after this nap. And what was I thinking when I bought those pants?! 1/19/08

We often find him sleeping with a cloth diaper over his face. It's become his security item
Napping at the Niese family cabin

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The retirement of the infant car seat

July 30, 2007. Ryan is obviously distressed about going home from the hospital with his parents.
Time to move on to bigger and hopefully just as safe. :-)

Friday, April 18, 2008


Cousin Michael and Ryan. Just about to leave for Red Robin to celebrate Michael's 16th birthday! Happy Birthday Michael (nearly 2 weeks after)!

Cousin Kelsey and Ryan. Nice glasses Kels. :-)

It's late April and we're being hit with a snowstorm! This was taken from Korryn's home. Ryan is to the right, in awe that it's snowing again!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Joey had to add her two cents toward the end. That's her barking in the background!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

To my Husband:

That's Paul... the man who loves me unconditionally and tolerates me when I need to be tolerated and has seemingly unending patience for those days when I'm a challenge. (Who knew, right?!) I'm honored to be your wife and blessed to be raising Ryan with you. I love you.

The other "kids"

Joey, our standard poodle. It was always my dream to own a standard poodle and after I finally got my RN degree, it's now reality. She'll be 5 in June and she keeps me busy! Good preparation for the approaching toddler-hood!?

Demeter-kitty. She'll be 6 years old in June -- and she thinks she rules this place. To keep her happy, I let her continue to believe that. :-)

This is Louie the turtle. She has been in our family going 19 years now! I found her in a swimming pool, in Trenton, Illinois back in 1989. I took her home thinking she would die and 18+ years and more than three moves later she still thrives!

Ryan will most likely be the star of this blog, but I would be remiss if I did not mention the other "kids" in my life.


Here are a few pictures taken over the past few weeks. Enjoy! :-)

Celebrating Ryan

We've entered the world of blogging! I very much enjoy peaking in on the blogs my friends and family create -- now I'll do the same for my little family. A fabulous outlet for the tons of pictures I take! We don't have the most exciting of lives, compared to others I know, but it's my family and I cherish it greatly.