Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween's from the past. . .

2007 - Ryan
2008 - Ryan
(that tail totally cracks me up!)
2009 - Part 2 2009 - Kathryn

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Just Pictures

Lindsay, I think that orange shirt was a hand-me-down from you.
Cupcakes from Amy's Baby shower.
Ryan did a happy dance when I brought them home!
Is there something on my face?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Officially a WALKER!

Some more video fun.

Kathryn now seems to do more walking than crawling, so it's pretty much a done deal.

Her hair is torturing me. I really don't want to cut bangs, but she will leave nothing in her hair.

Not a head band, not a barrette, not a rubber band.

I can't see her eyes!

The little act of drama in the first video is a common happening for Miss K.

If it's not a dramatic fall backward, it's a forehead bang on the floor, wall, highchair, brother, mommy's chin, shoulder etc.

In the second video, I was not expecting the lip lock that occurred! Ryan will usually give her a peck on the forehead - it's the cutest thing ever. If you listen carefully you can hear Kathryn saying, "Hi Joey" after Joey walks into the hallway.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Portland Trip 2010

My fourth annual trek (with kids, no Paul) to Portland, Oregon to support my Dad as he ran his 20th consecutive full marathon. 26.2 miles Dad, I am enormously proud and inspired by you. It's an honor to be your daughter and I thank you for impressing upon me the love of running. Watching you train and continually be disciplined about your sport keeps me going, whether I am in a running phase in my life, or not. I love you Dad Looking forward to marathon # 21!
Team Grandad
(there was a big screen TV on the hotel room wall - they would not look at me for the picture, no matter what I did!)
Finish line
That man does not look like he just ran 26.2 miles!
So look forward to the drums that are placed right after the start line.
And look at that rain.
It rained like that until about 5 minutes before we met Dad at the finish line.
Crummy weather for 26.2!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Little Pumpkins

How we spent our afternoon
Fun, until we ran out of items to decorate the cookies with.
Melt down city.
How dare I not have enough M & M's!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bruise, Day 3 - Mug Shot

The bruise is on it's way out.
But I'll be darned if that little girl didn't somehow chip her right front tooth. Itty bitty little chip, but it's there and I have no idea how. Looks like a mug shot, doesn't it?!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Ouch x 4

We just returned from a
quick trip to Eastern Washington to join other
extended family members in doing some cabin upkeep and woodcutting.
All four of us got injured - fortunately minor in all four cases.
Paul and a trailer hitch got way to cozy. His shin paid the price. He's got a nice bruise/cut to show for it.
Ryan was walking by some brush and a weed/stick/I have no idea what it was - was perfect height for Ryan to walk right into and get jabbed in the eye. He was pretty sensitive about it for an hour or so, but no mention of it since. I don't see any lasting effects either.
I tried to chop my foot off by attempting to split wood. The ax hit me right below my ankle, on my foot. It hurt like heck when it happened, but I don't think I have a bruise. Thanks to my jeans, hiking shoes and thick socks as a barrier.
Kathryn's is the most impressive due to placement. She tried to cruise by a bar stool and tripped up some how. Fell and hit her forehead on the foot bar of the stool. I tell ya, that sound, of the head hitting a hard object = instant nausea. She was a tad upset, to say the least!
I totally apologize for runny nose.
I didn't see it when I was taking her photo.
I know, GROSS!
Ryan and I chilling on the wood raft. It's anchored to a post.
Ryan's new thing is to "help" Kathryn walk.
She's not so fond of it!
Speaking of walking. . . . she can do 10 -15 steps now pretty confidently. Still high degree of wobble in the walk, but it's so freaking cute to watch her toddle!