Monday, March 28, 2011

Out & About

It's not at all warm yet, but we're doing our best to get fresh air these days.
Kathryn was being rather photogenic in her rain coat, I went a little over board on the pictures - that rain coat and the boots, just adorable!
Fence demolition in progress
Made for good entertainment for the kids.
It's hard to see but there are a few fence panels down in the picture.
A new fence was not in our plans this year, but our neighbors made us a deal we could not pass up. So now we will have a brand spankin' new fence in our back yard, south side. Ryan & Kathryn celebrated their friend Raigan's 4th birthday with her this morning.
A little play then a Trophy Cupcake. Ryan's eyes got HUGE as he looked at all the cupcakes on display in front of him. He chose a red velvet cupcake to share with Raigan. Raigan's Mommy and I shared a chocolate one with Bailey's in the cake & frosting.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ryan's Post

I asked Ryan some questions today. This is what I got in return:
Favorite color? blue
Favorite fruit? pear
Favorite food? yogurt
Favorite dessert? ice cream. When asked what flavor - cherry. (Odd I don't recall him ever having cherry ice cream)
Favorite animal? horse. When asked what horse? The snow horse. And when I pressed him for more info he acted like that was the dumbest question ever, because duh Mom, the SNOW horse! (still have no clue)
Favorite person? Daddy (gee thanks buddy)
Favorite care-giver? Auntie Karol
Favorite toy? Guitar
Favorite song? Sesame Street videos
Favorite thing to do outside? play soccer
Favorite thing to do inside? Eat Vitamins (hahahhahaha - I love this kid)
Favorite TV show? Kipper the Dog
Favorite book? Kipper the Dog book
Favorite place to go? To the airport (don't recall him ever going there, except when he was 8 months old!)
Favorite restaurant? The mall restaurant (I'm thinking Red Robin)
Favorite sister? "Kaffrin" (trick question, I know)
Favorite thing to do at Aunt Korrynee's? Play with Lego's
Favorite thing to do with cousin Kels? "Try to keep Kelsey and Michael away from me, to not bug me" lol (Korryn, I swear this is what he said!!)
Favorite friend? Alec, Cooper and Raigan (nice of him to not play favorites!)
Totally fun asking these questions.
Love the randomness of some of his answers.
Three year olds have the best, most unique, imaginative answers/thoughts/ideas.
Some recent activities around here
Stump removal - Paul style
This stump is back by our sandbox and needed to come out so we could fix the brick border around the yard. You can see the brick border there. It's been broken since we moved in - and we are hoping we can get it back in place and have it look somewhat decent.
The stump is completely out from it's roots, but still sitting in the hole.
Damn thing is heavy! We're still trying to figure out what to do with it and how to actually get rid of it.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Ups The Downs

I strive for somewhere in between the Ups and Downs. The middle sounds really good to me right now. The past 6 weeks has been really rough around here. With a huge exception for my birthday weekend in Vancouver. I'm struggling these days to find ways to keep the kids active, happy and out of each others personal space. It seems the more I struggle, the worse the behavior is. I think we are all a little house sour. It's been a good 5 months, leaning on 6 months that we have had nearly all indoor play. I hit up the community centers play areas early in the season, but quit going to those because the amount of illness in other kids I see and hear drives me nuts. The zoo has been a good outlet. Kathryn is not to fond of the stroller when her brother is able to walk/run/frolic within eyesight. And when I do let her out she goes the exact opposite of the direction we are going. Upon holding her hand to get her to walk with me, I get the classic toddler flop. All of which is normal and expected, but it's getting a little hard to continue the trek when I feel like I am walking through mud.
Come on Spring time weather. . . .
Ok, other stuff: Kathryn
This little one is continuing her trend of being an early talker. She's got sentences now.
She can count to 10 (albeit always skipping the #1 and #5)
She can sing her ABC's - with about 70% accuracy.
She still hates her diaper being changed.
Area's outside of the house where she has complete control of where she can go and what she can do makes her the most happy. Meaning places she can play without me intervening for her safety. The grin she will show when she is doing that kind of play displays a very content little girl.
In the month of February she had 8 teeth pop through. Some completely in now, some still working their way in.
She loves meat (and boy let me tell you that makes her Daddy SO proud)
If there is a food she does not like, there is no hesitation to tell me, "Yuck. I don't like it."
Gee thanks little miss. . . .
Favorite item when she is tired, hurt or not feeling well: a cloth diaper. It's her blankie.
She said good bye to the pacifier in lieu of her first and middle finger : /
(I was hoping she'd prefer the paci. . . rats)
We finally turned her car seat around to face forward, making for much easier getting the car seat transitions.
And my current favorite things about Kathryn
When getting a kiss she gives it all. . .all drooly and lovable
The potty pic = nothin' doin.
She does it because Ryan does.
No success has ever been had.
But if she asks to go, I won't say no.
Showing off her sparkly shoes
Given to her by Auntie Kerri.
Kerri knows I am a fashion disaster, so she is starting in on Kathryn early.
I've given her my blessing. Here's hoping she gets some of Kerri's fashion talent.
If fashion is genetic, things are not in her favor :-))

Hahahahaha, speaking of fashion. . . not sure what to make of this!

Flashback photo:
March 11, 2010


He keeps telling me all the things he can do when he turns 4.

"Mommy, when I am 4 I can put my own shoes on, but not now."

"Mommy, when I am 4 I will be able to pick up my books. . . ."

My Mom always told me I was the master at making excuses as to why I couldn't do something. . . hmmm. No wonder this all seems vaguely familiar.....

Ryan's favorite toy right now is a little radio flyer quadcycle - that we have had for a while. He's really kind of outgrown it. However he loves to ride around the house on it, go through make shift tunnels in it, have his sister chase him on it. SO looking forward to warmer dryer weather to do some real bike riding!

And my favorite thing about Ryan right now.

Hearing him say "I love you Mommy, do you love me?"

You betcha I do Ryan. From now until forever and then some.

Flashback photo:

March 2, 2008
