Tuesday, November 7, 2023


 High School 📚

Volleyball 🏐

Driver's Ed  🚙

Halifax, Nova Scotia 🛫

High School for both Ryan and Kathryn started just after Labor Day.  Kathryn tried out for the Ingraham Volleyball team two weeks prior to the start of school.  She went in with the attitude she was going to show the coaches that she was committed and would make the best effort with every play.  It paid off. She was one of 4 (I think) freshman to make the JV team.  She played nearly every game as a starter and was starting server most times.  Along with volleyball came friends and eased the first day jitters in a new much larger school.  I would say her transition to high school was a success and she is thriving.

Ryan is a sophomore this year.  I look at my camera roll and find zero pictures of him.  First day of school picture?  Nope.  He had left with his friend before I had a chance to even say good-bye!  Driver's Ed picture?  Nope. Picture at one of the many Mariner's games he attended?  Nope.  There is no lack of love for this guy, but he's hard to pin down for a photograph.  School is going well. He will start the wrestling team next week (a first for him) and is working toward the mandatory driving hours required before getting his license.  Most of which he is doing with his Dad.  I found I am a horrible passenger with Ryan behind the wheel. 

The only first day of school picture I got & it's not what I'd intended, but it's the only photo approved by Kathryn.
When we learned she made JV!

Her team!

September 30th was my travel day to Halifax.  It was such a fun trip from start to finish.  Halifax is beautiful.  The conference was great. The next conference in 2 years is in Scotland.  I can't let myself think I'll be able to go again, but I will dream BIG about the notion.
Mt Rainier on my flight out of Seattle

Everyone said "try poutine!"  I did.  Now that I have, I never have to try it again. It was good, but did not leave the desire to try again

Halifax Citadel
Public Gardens
Foot ferry to a small town called Dartmouth
My view flying back in to Seattle

Kathryn enjoyed her first Homecoming dance. 

And one last one of Kathryn with her friend Sydney, doing what teens do 🤣

Lastly, we celebrated one year with these two 🐾
One of them, Hilda I believe - was given the opportunity to reach the blind strings for the window that can be seen in the photo.  Totally my fault for leaving bins close enough to the window so she could reach the strings.  She chewed through 3 of the 4 strings, rendering it useless.  Fortunately there is a local place that can repair vs replace.  Cost of $110 vs about $1000 to replace.  Hawkins has also been a little sneaky.  Taking half a stick of butter off the counter (found in Ryan's room) with many kitty nibbles.  Pulling items out of the sink if it smells of something appealing.  Jumping on the counter when there is food out (he's especially good at doing it when we're not looking).  We have pocket doors at both entrances to the kitchen.  If dinner is on the counter, the doors have to be closed.
Shenanigans aside, they are lovely and a part of our family 💙

Goal for December 2023: get pictures of Ryan 😊