Monday, November 14, 2011

Good-Bye Crib, Thank you!

This was not a planned event in our household. I liked the security of having Kathryn in a crib. However. . . . . . Sunday after her nap she told me she wanted to stand up on the wide part of the crib railing (above where the cabinet is) and I kind of ignored her request as I was also talking to Ryan at that same time. Next thing I know, Kathryn has scurried her way up and was standing on top of the cabinet - all on her own. Oh My. Darn. The crib as we know it has got to go.
Hello toddler bed.
At first Kathryn was upset by the actions we took to remove the railing. But the grin came out when we showed her how independent she could be.
So far, one night time sleep and one nap, no issues of staying in bed. We'll see how long that lasts. :-)
Tugs at my heart a bit to say good-bye to the crib. It's good though. As I said on my last blog post, life is a little easier these days with a 2 and 4 year old.
I'll take it and I'll enjoy it.
Coincidentally, Ryan got a new bed on Sunday too. Just a bed frame, replacing the regular metal one he had. This one is maple, sturdy and looks like it was made years ago & it was! The manufacture date is printed on the back of the headboard. Date made: 8/30/54! Purchased at an estate sale, that was from a relative of a co-worker of mine. I really like this piece and hope it lasts Ryan a lifetime under our roof.