Thursday, February 26, 2009

Way back when . . . . .

These two pictures were taken a year ago, February 26th for the first one and February 27th for the second one. He's changed a wee bit. :-)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Day at the Grandparents

We spent Saturday afternoon with my parents. Mom fixed my favorite taco's for my birthday - and they were fabulous! Thanks MOM! We all went to a local State Park to enjoy the rare February sun.
Watching some remote control airplanes and helicopters. Ryan stood still (not an easy task for an 18 month old) for nearly 10 minutes, just watching. The people flying the planes were highly skilled, it was fun to watch.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Just for fun

I took this video while Ryan was in the pediatrician's office (where I work) for his 18 month check up. He is there so often, he feels comfortable running around scantily clad!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Recap of the past week

Last Sunday we took a road trip up North to try and find some eagles. We saw a few at our destination, but saw many more as we were driving back from Whidbey Island. We made a brief stop there to meet Paul's Dad and exchange some paperwork. I think at last count we saw 24 bald eagles. Many of them not quite mature yet. Before we went to Whidbey we stopped at a restaurant in Marblemount, WA called Buffalo Run. They serve all kinds of exotic meat; elk, deer, ostrich and of course buffalo. Ryan was quite intrigued by a big buffalo head on the wall.
Wednesday was Ryan's 18 month well child check. He is growing and thriving beautifully.
Weight: 28-2 = 75%
Height 32 3/4" = 65%
He has been holding steady at those percentiles since about 9 months old.
After the check up Paul and I refinanced our Jeep. Not really blog worthy info, but upon going through my camera to pull the pictures off, I find an adorable picture of Auntie Korrynee and Ryan, as they waited for us to go through all the paperwork. She must have hijacked the camera briefly. He was so happy to hang with her that day. I think he misses the time with her every Friday.
Thursday Paul and I took advantage of some free Seattle Aquarium passes. I had not been there since they remodeled. I love fish and Ryan seems enamored by them too. We had a great time.
Saturday we spent a few hours at the zoo with our good friends Lindsay, Rob and Alec. No pictures to show of that day.
Today is Superbowl! As much as I hated the Steelers when they beat the Seahawks, I am pulling for them today. It's also a good excuse to eat nachos, good football watching food!
Paul has been out of work for two weeks. The extra family time has been nice, however the stress of not knowing what is to come keeps me awake at night. I try to live in the moment, because I have little control over what will happen. Until then, I am thankful I can work extra hours at my work and hopefully Paul will enjoy his time with Ryan before Baby # 2 joins us.
Our patient passenger.
Ryan kept exclaiming....." Whoooaaaaa.." as he looked at the massive head on the wall.
Probably his last time on the infant scale.He escaped from his exam room and did some filing for the office.
Listening to his heart with the doctor.
Surprise photo from Auntie! And it's a good one!
Seattle Aquarium