Sunday, May 31, 2009


I got this. . . . . . .
. . . . because of this:
As we arrived at Carkeek a train was about to go under the trestle, right as we walked over it. Like last time Ryan just shuddered and seemed a bit intimidated. Later, as we sat down on the beach another train went by. Ryan kept saying "up up" as it got close to us. I picked him up and he snuggled in. I got a good 5 minutes of a snuggle (just love that!) because it was a freight train and it came to a stop to let a passenger train zoom by.
My handsome boys
He really said "cheese!" as I took this! He needs a haircut!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Paul turned his back on the monkey for a few minutes and this is reportedly what he found when he looked in on our little critter. He really had no interest in climbing up until a few weeks ago - but once he learned he could, there's no looking back!
It's been a busy few weeks around here. The weather was conducive to getting a lot of outdoor stuff done. Having Paul home for that has been wonderful, we got a lot more done in a much shorter time than had he been working. He's got two possible job prospects - both still unknown if either will work out. And, both unfortunately have some major hurdles for us to conquer is he is given an offer and he accepts. Neither job is close to the perfect job, but I sense that Paul is starting to get antsy from being home and with the baby due date drawing near, he's getting anxious about providing for us with me not working. Speaking of Baby #2.... he or she has started to misbehave a bit, in that my blood pressure is starting to rise. Same thing happened with Ryan, but a few weeks later in the pregnancy than I am now. I was SO hoping to avoid this, this time around. My doctor started me on a blood pressure medication, and being about 48 hours in to the start of taking it, I am tolerating it fairly well. Being on the medication will require a lot more checking in with the doctor as well as more testing & lab work to make sure baby is happy in there. I really hope the medication works, because if the pressure continues to rise, bed rest is the next option - and well, we all know that would kinda stink.
Ryan is a few days away from turning 22 months. I am not sure what is harder to grasp: Ryan turning two or the fact that we will have a newborn in the home around that time! Ryan chatters constantly either to us or to himself, the dog, the cat, just about anyone who will listen. I don't understand about 80% of it. But I nod and agree with him and that seems to be all the encouragement he needs to keep on chatting. We are very near transitioning him to a big boy bed. There is a picture below of him trying it out the day we brought it home.
The sandbox is full and open for business. The picture below is Ryan in it on the inaugural day. It's been a big hit, I just hope someday the fun for him will be to sit and play in it, rather than move the sand to other places in the yard!
Apparently Joey approves as well. She is hard to see, but she decided to take a break, on the sand pile. And just a few more pictures of Ryan being my sweet boy.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Oh No! Not this milestone!

I guess it's a milestone of sorts. Caught me by surprise and I'm not sure I even reacted appropriately! Ryan hit his friend in the face with a crayon, balled up in his fist. The whole day had been a challenge to that point and it did not get any better after the incident. I don't think anything even provoked it, but I guess all kids do it - or at least try a few times. I was shocked! It's a real eye opener in that he's turning into a little boy with an agenda, thoughts, feelings etc. Thank you Lindsay for being so understanding when Ryan hit your boy! We're sorry!