Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Back to school

We start with the always exciting occasion - a lost tooth.  This was about a month ago.  Currently she has 4 more loose teeth.... get ready Tooth Fairy
2017-2018 school year is in full swing.
Demeter-kitty "had" to be a part of the before school/back to school photo's.
I'm not sure kitty agreed.
Oh Ryan........  😏
This year Kathryn was all about posing for photo's
Kathryn's 3rd grade class with Miss Bogertman
 Ryan's 4th grade class with Mrs. Zech
 Kathryn and her friend Sofia
This is Trooper.  Grandma Kathie's newest family member
 Kathryn and Trooper became quick friends

Day trip to Bainbridge Island - on the ferry, watching another ferry
Kathryn is with our neighbor Allison here.