Early on in my pregnancy with Ryan, Paul approached me with the idea that he make Ryan's crib. I immediately said no, are you crazy? There are rules, regulations and all kinds of safety issues to think about. Paul held his ground and was determined this is what he wanted to do. And boy did he! What he came up with, with some help from his dad amazes me to this day, nearly a year after its completion. He found some plans on the Internet, ordered them and used them for most of it. As he was making the crib he made a few adjustments here and there. The end result being a beautiful, unique, sound, strong crib. A crib is in a child's life for a short period of time, but it's incredibly important in that short time and I am proud to say, look what my husband built. Thanks Paul. I love you.

These were taken in our rental home, before Ryan was mobile. Paul built it so we could lower it as Ryan grew. In the picture directly above you can see Ryan's little hand sticking out as if to say "Hi"!