We spent Saturday and some of Sunday at Paul's parents place. I wish Ryan would have had his eyes open in the picture below, it's a good picture otherwise. That's Joy, their miniature beagle. Ryan is standing in front of a fish pond with a few goldfish swimming around in there. I'm betting he falls in it at least once in his life. We had a heck of a time keeping away from it!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The Locks
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Itsy Bitsy Spider
A few people have asked what CD the song is from playing in the background of Ryan's little dance. I love this CD & Ryan seems to as well.
I don't have # 1 or #2 yet, but soon will.

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Baby got groove?
Unfortunately no. He takes after his parents in that regard! He needs some lessons from his Auntie Kerri.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Paul picks the perfect times to be away.
His last trip in May coincided nicely with a fever & cold that Ryan battled. This time it's a business trip to Beverly Hills. Coincidence or conspiracy. . . . this time Ryan is having two teeth break through and he is super cranky. Or to those that know him well he's "Walter". (His alter ego, named Walter because my sweet boy is certainly not this difficult to get along with!) I am leaning towards coincidence just because I would take it personally if this little man of mine is this out of sorts just because Da-Da is away.
I need a spa trip!
I have some cute photo's from our recent Zoo trip, will post those when the laptop comes home with Paul. I don't know how to get the pictures off the camera with this big old desktop!
Friday, August 8, 2008
A Shout Out To. . . . . . . .
Our dear friends in Philly! I found out our Philly friend is an avid reader of Celebrating Ryan, thank you! We miss you, Susan, Dennis and dear little Stanley! Hugs to all, especially our fluffy friend.
I can't mention one side of Pennsylvania and forget the wonderful friend on the other border. You're in our hearts dear Pittsburgh -- hope your last day of work went smoothly. You're free of all that madness!
Love to all!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Just yesterday I thought Ryan's walking was about 70/30, walking to crawling. In just 24 hours, I would say the crawling has decreased a lot. Crawling only happens if he is in a real hurry to get somewhere! 90/10 walking to crawling maybe?
I also thought he would be 23 lbs. Oh, just off by more than a pound! My little man is now 24 # 7 oz. We've come a long way from 6 # 6 oz!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Status Quo
All is calm here in Ryan's parents home. Hence no blogging post for a week. We can just about call Ryan a walker. . . although I think it's like 70/30 walking to crawling. And a heck of a lot of falling. Sometimes he hits so hard I cringe, but he just keeps motoring on. His favorite thing to do recently is to put an item in any sort of crevice he can find. Couch cushions, through the baby gate, in the exersaucer seat. You name it, if there is a crevice or an opening I am likely to find some toy there. Current words -- although very hard to make out: kitty, ma-ma, da-da (that one is very noticeable) & I think Joey. Tomorrow is our 12 month check up. My guess for his weight is 23 lbs, we'll see.

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