Oh goodness, where to start. Friends of ours called last Friday and invited all 4 of us to a Mariner's game - and they were first row seats, 1st base side. For years I have always wanted to sit in the first row, and they are fabulous seats! I had so much fun and it was special too, in that it was Kathryn's first Mariner's game. Paul and I credit the Mariner's for helping bring us together as a couple. We had a few dates at Safeco and we learned we kinda liked each other, as we watched a sport we love.
I went to the game thinking I would be thrilled to make it through 5 or 6 innings and have both kids stay happy. A few tears here and there from Kathryn, but Ryan did amazing. His friend was there, they entertained each other off and on. After his friend left, Ryan settled into Paul's lap and watched the action. Safeco field is stimulation overload for a kid his age. There was so much to see and hear. "Bus, Mommy, Bus!" x 20 - 30 just on the walk to the field from the car! "Train, Mommy, Train!" Four of them, on that same walk. Light Rail is right there too... saw two of them go by. In the stadium - music, lights, people, people and more people! We stayed for the entire game!

Nearly two years ago: Ryan's first Mariner's game.

(that's a Moby wrap - baby sling tied around me)

Paul could not handle Kathryn looking so much like a boy with the blue hat (Ryan hand-me-down). He bought her a pink one. But I think she said, thanks but no thanks Daddy. No hat for me.

Dad and his baby girl

SO close to getting the Moose to sign Ryan's cap. Paul and Ryan got right up to him and he had to run to the infield to do some sort of pre-game thing. SO close!

Family photo

9th inning.
Kathryn crashed about the 6th inning.
The guy who took this photo, ran down to be in the first row for the last inning and boy was he drunk. Didn't stop Paul from asking him to snap a photo though!