You seem to adore your baby sister. When you talk to you her you change your voice to an octave higher, as if trying to soothe her with your tone.
Your imagination is growing in leaps and bounds. I am amazed at what you come up with!
On occasion you'll humor me and eat your vegetables.
Even though you have been on a nap strike for 8 months, you'll go to sleep without any fuss every night.
You're not disappointing your Dad or myself by being a typical pre-schooler with tremendous curiosity and an ability to ask the same question 20 times in 5 minutes. Your favorites right now: Whaddiya doin' Mommy, whaddiya doin'? Where's Daddy (or Mommy) going? Is he (or she) in the truck or the Jeep? What's that Mommy, what's that? (x10) Who's comin' over Mommy, who's comin' over? On and on. It's takes a little work on your parents part to remember this is a good phase you're in and to embrace it!
Mispronounced words like: Yet go, yet go (let go, let go) - usually heard as I have a death grip on your hand when we are walking near moving vehicles. Also - yocked (locked) yittle (little). You get the theme here.
Kaff-rin = Kathryn, that's by far the cutest thing you say.
Compwee = computer
Kaw-see = Kelsey
I know these will be phased out as your verbal skills get fine tuned. I am thankful for your ability to enunciate as well as you do and those few words you slip up on remind me of my baby, who is quickly growing and changing into a boy.
We love you Ryan!
Past and present. . . . .
April 2008