Wednesday, May 26, 2010

"Whaddiya doin' Mommy, Whaddiya doin'"?

Oh my Ryan.
Two years, 10 months old today.
This one is for you Ryan.
You make me smile many times every day - here are a few of my favorite things:

You seem to adore your baby sister. When you talk to you her you change your voice to an octave higher, as if trying to soothe her with your tone.

Your imagination is growing in leaps and bounds. I am amazed at what you come up with!

On occasion you'll humor me and eat your vegetables.

Even though you have been on a nap strike for 8 months, you'll go to sleep without any fuss every night.

You're not disappointing your Dad or myself by being a typical pre-schooler with tremendous curiosity and an ability to ask the same question 20 times in 5 minutes. Your favorites right now: Whaddiya doin' Mommy, whaddiya doin'? Where's Daddy (or Mommy) going? Is he (or she) in the truck or the Jeep? What's that Mommy, what's that? (x10) Who's comin' over Mommy, who's comin' over? On and on. It's takes a little work on your parents part to remember this is a good phase you're in and to embrace it!

Mispronounced words like: Yet go, yet go (let go, let go) - usually heard as I have a death grip on your hand when we are walking near moving vehicles. Also - yocked (locked) yittle (little). You get the theme here.

Kaff-rin = Kathryn, that's by far the cutest thing you say.

Compwee = computer

Kaw-see = Kelsey

I know these will be phased out as your verbal skills get fine tuned. I am thankful for your ability to enunciate as well as you do and those few words you slip up on remind me of my baby, who is quickly growing and changing into a boy.

We love you Ryan!

Past and present. . . . .

April 2008

November 2007 Present day

Monday, May 17, 2010


On Sunday Paul took me to the headquarters for his new job (AAA - Washington) - where he is training for two weeks and then moves to his permanent position in Lynnwood. He knew I would like this place and he was right. I didn't even go in the building. The fun stuff was surrounding the place. This is an office park, in the middle of a big busy city, in the middle of a marsh. No joke. It was built years ago, I am guessing. And also guessing this would never be allowed today due to environmental stuff. Check out the pictures below. We got out of where we parked the Jeep, walked about 20 steps and that is where Ryan is standing in the first picture.
That's part of the parking lot!
This was to the right of where Ryan was standing. We'd walk next to the water and frog after frog would do this squeak and jump/splash into the marsh. I saw something that I don't think I have seen in 20 + years. Tadpoles! Hundreds of them! We also saw baby ducks. Paul says there are a few herons that hang out there, too.
Turtles everywhere!
This is a huge red eared slider.
A turtle that had no fear of Ryan. It was covered in dried dirt, from the murkier part of the marsh.
The parking garage.
Employees drive through the water every day to park!
And one for fun.
"Give her a kiss Ryan"
He said no, but attempted to humor me anyway.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

9 Month Check

Baby Stats:
Weight: 19-14.5 = 75%
Height: 27" = 30%
Head: 45 cm = 75%
As I was walking into the building before her check up, I said.... "I am guessing her weight is 19 lbs 14 oz." Boo yah! Within 0.5 of an oz.! My left deltoid knows, since it's what feels the strain when she is being held!
How precious is Ryan's face in this picture?! It makes me so emotional to see him look at her like that.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Back to work

Thanks to Facebook, I think this is already well known, but we are so thankful and relieved to say Paul is employed again! 16 months of unemployment. Tough stuff, those 16 months. Now that it's over, I can say it was a blessing too. Having Paul home in the days where I was 7, 8, 9 months pregnant.... home with a newborn, back in the hospital with my issues post partum, and then I go back to work and have Paul home with the kids. Those were all really good things - and we made it financially. We would have really struggled if it hadn't been for wonderful friends and family that were there, right along side of us as the days and months went by. Now the learning process of adjusting back to his full time work and juggling kids when I work begins!
I love this photo! (below)
Quality wise, not so great, but it shows happiness, smiles and a glimpse into daily life here. Ryan and Joey are outside, Kathryn inside. She is watching Ryan play and putz around the backyard, with awe. The beautiful rhody bush blooms can kind of be seen. The buckets are "Ryan's buckets!" (According to him). I better not dare move them, or suffer the wrath of an angry 2 year old. He digs dirt, puts them in the buckets, dumps them and starts over again, as he sees fit. Lastly, the dinosaur on the window sill, Ryan told me earlier that day that dino was going for a walk, by the window..... and there dino sat, after his walk.
Snack time at the cabin
My Dad with Kathryn. Dad has a soft spot for that little girl. Today, at he zoo. I am pretty sure this is off label use of a jogging stroller! Works well! Not really appropriate weather yet for no shoes/socks on Miss Kathryn. Fat chance trying to keep them on her however. Lunch!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

9 Months

We've reached the 9 month old milestone with Miss Kathryn. She continues to amaze me as I watch her grow. My favorite things:
  • Her wide eyed wonder in which she watches her brother. She's his biggest fan and Ryan sure knows how to make her laugh.
  • How, on the rare occasion she'll burrow into the crook of my neck and shoulder and give a baby Kathryn bear hug. It's the warmest, sweetest feeling ever.
  • She'll sit on the floor and entertain herself with a large basket of toys - pulling them out one by one, exploring, chewing and drooling all over them.
  • Her favorite toy of all, is her toes.
  • The fact that she has no interest in crawling just yet. Once the mobility starts, there's no going back. Take your time, sweet girl - I'm in no hurry for your first steps.
  • Sleep. Glorious sleep. A nice 12 hour stretch at night and 2 - 3 hours during the day in usually two naps. I enjoy motherhood so much more when I am rested. Not that I don't miss those lovable newborn/infant days, but they are rough.
  • Right now she is sporting two itty bitty nubbin teeth, the lower left has a little bit of a lead on the lower right front tooth.
  • When she flashes a big grin and those dimples - one on each cheek - appear. Cute, cute cute!
  • And lastly, she is growing fast, but she's still my little girl.

Post her first taste of watermelon. It might take a few more tries to convince her it's tasty.

Siblings, chillin' out together Demonstrating her "SO BIG" technique. And showing off the oh so persistent drool patch.