Tuesday, July 27, 2010

3, 3 and more 3

Today, a day after Ryan's 3rd birthday, upon waking up this morning - he tells me, as he does every morning, "I woked up Mom!"
And today the next question was, "Am I still 3?"
Yes, sweetie.
For today, tomorrow and a whole lotta days after that.
Enjoy every minute of it!
Every year my goal is to get at least one picture of the birthday boy or girl.
This is my attempt this year - and he of course had to cheese it up.
Goof ball.
Oh ya, chocolate cake. His big gift! He's not real adept at it yet - it's called a Balance Bike. No pedals, all self propelled via his feet. Ryan has a friend that has it down to an art, maybe he can give Ryan some pointers.
And little Miss, watching the bicycle action.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bronze Baby!

Check out that skin tone difference!
That child is heavily SPF'd 50 - 70 every time we are out.
She most definitely gets that from her Daddy!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Hey MOM!

With no warning, I went from being Ryan's Mommy to "MOM!" I'm not ready to be MOM! yet. In my mind I am still his Mommy and want to be for many more years to come. I don't know how or why, but he no longer calls me Mommy. "Hey MOM! What are ya doing?" "Is that a red light MOM!?" An exclamation point after each MOM! on purpose because truly, that's how he says it. With such enthusiasm and importance. His questions (seemingly unending) are urgent in nature and how dare I ignore the question - it just means 10 more behind it, with more and more urgency in the words!
I hope I go back to being Mommy - it's endearing and I embrace it.
If it's to be MOM! from here on out, so be it.
I'll learn to embrace that too. :-)
Otherwise preparations are being made to celebrate
our soon to be 3 year old - on July 26
our soon to be 1 year old - on July 31.
What a joy to see them reach these milestones!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Back to normal

Ryan has seemingly completely recovered from his limp. Took about 4 days and in that time he didn't slow down much. The whole thing was odd and we'll probably never know if it truly was transient synovitis, or pulled muscle or what....
I am thankful he's back to his usual.
Kathryn, poolside.
I love this one! Below is the Ballard Locks. We probably spent 3 hours there. So much to see this time of year. Thousands upon thousands of Sockeye. A big ole' fat seal, enjoying a bounty of sockeye to feast on. Blue Heron hanging out. Indian fishermen retrieving fish from their nets. Boats coming and going, water rushing in and out of the locks. Ryan was fascinated by it all. By the time we tried to leave, Ryan had hit his limit and started a nice fit protesting the walk back to our car. A very nice Mom of two boys was walking by and saw all this. She started talking to Ryan, saying they were done with their visit at the locks, and headed back to their car too. She asked Ryan if he wanted to walk with them and Wa-La! Fit over. He thought it was so cool to walk to the car with these two boys and their Mom.
Thank You Mom of two boys, for knowing what I was up against and pitching in! Mom's ROCK! She said to me, "Been there, done that." We'll definitely pay that one forward if we have the chance in the future. The incredibly cool fish ladders.
Unloading for the ride home.
Sign of a successful outing.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Transient somethin' somethin'

Transient Synovitis - we think that is what Ryan has. We being his doctor. . . and me, after he talked me down from my freak out. Ryan had sudden onset limping yesterday - noticeable, but coping well. Upon waking today the limping was significant and when I saw him attempt to walk it was utterly painful watch. Odd thing is, no known injury, no known cause. Hence the transient in the name. X-Ray's were negative for fracture. The limp did ease up a bit after some anti-inflammatory meds today and we wait and see. Typical course is 7-10 days of a limp, if it goes on longer than that, a more thorough work up will be done. I think he is done with me asking him if he has an ouchie because the response back is, "Nooooooo ouchie, Mommmmmmy!" Said in a tone that really does clue me in he is over my concern. He's not as active as his usual and certainly CRABBY. Everything else is status quo.
A rare nap today.
He was a bit on the testy side with the doctor and lacked cooperation with the X-Ray's.
Kathryn was doing her part in putting up a good fuss during the X-Ray as well.
I was in a total sweat by the time we were done.
This nap = needed. For both of us.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ruffly Butt

3 days ago the furnace was on.
Today it felt like a furnace outside.
It's awesome!
And check out the ruffly booty!
How unbelievably cute is that?!
Super thighs! Such a big girl, standing all by herself. She is very unsteady and was able to stand just long enough for me to snap a few photo's.
- after these photo's, Ryan stood up which made Kathryn PLOP onto the grass booty first with the chair falling on top of her.
A few tears, but no harm done. -
In 24 days Miss Kathryn turns one.
Here is what she is up too these days:
I call her minimally mobile.
She'll scoot some, either on her booty or on her belly. She'll pivot all over the place, if on her belly. No pulling to a stand yet and no on all fours crawling.
She will however put anything and EVERYTHING in her mouth.
She picked up our living room rug (a piece we have over the hardwoods) and found a label. Somehow she peeled that label off, and got enough of it in her mouth to completely gross me out. It's a four year old rug, and the label was disintegrating in her hands (& mouth!). I never in a million years would have thought to child proof my rug!
Her receptive language is fully intact. I get the impression she understands much of what's going on.
Her expressive language is amazing!
Her words that anyone could understand are:
Words that probably only Paul & I can decipher:
Kitty - sounds like "icky icky" when she says it
Joey - "oooooey"
She'll wave hi and bye to anyone and everyone
And best of all . . . . . .
Her Daddy is so proud of this. . . . .
She'll give knuckles. Aka. . . Pound it!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Thanks Korrynee

For your help with my main blog photo!

Monday, July 5, 2010

It's July, right?

I ask because it's a tad on the COLD side - still.
Paul turned the furnace on today and I totally grumbled, because it seems so wrong!
Ryan in his swim trunks and fleece coat along with hat! It was that cold due to the wind. After a rain squall came through and the wind stopped it actually warmed up in the evening, so it wasn't miserable, thankfully. He was watching a live band in this picture at our Fourth of July festivities in Burien.
My Mom - in red.
And her second sister, Karol (there are 5 more sister after Karol and then two boys). Karol watches Ryan and Kathryn twice a week, when I am at work. My Dad and his biggest fan. Sun?
Ryan lasted about 1.2 minutes, seated for the fireworks. He did great the entire day. We were there for 10 hours and by the time the fireworks started he was completely overstimulated and on overload, but I cannot complain one bit about how he acted. He was so so good. Kathryn too.... she crashed in the house about 7 pm. Woke crying when the big fireworks took place and then watched them with us. We parted soon after and were on our way home.