3 days ago the furnace was on.
Today it felt like a furnace outside.
It's awesome!
And check out the ruffly booty!
How unbelievably cute is that?!

Super thighs!

Such a big girl, standing all by herself.
She is very unsteady and was able to stand just long enough for me to snap a few photo's.

- after these photo's, Ryan stood up which made Kathryn PLOP onto the grass booty first with the chair falling on top of her.
A few tears, but no harm done. -

In 24 days Miss Kathryn turns one.
Here is what she is up too these days:
I call her minimally mobile.
She'll scoot some, either on her booty or on her belly. She'll pivot all over the place, if on her belly. No pulling to a stand yet and no on all fours crawling.
She will however put anything and EVERYTHING in her mouth.
She picked up our living room rug (a piece we have over the hardwoods) and found a label. Somehow she peeled that label off, and got enough of it in her mouth to completely gross me out. It's a four year old rug, and the label was disintegrating in her hands (& mouth!). I never in a million years would have thought to child proof my rug!
Her receptive language is fully intact. I get the impression she understands much of what's going on.
Her expressive language is amazing!
Her words that anyone could understand are:
Words that probably only Paul & I can decipher:
Kitty - sounds like "icky icky" when she says it
Joey - "oooooey"
She'll wave hi and bye to anyone and everyone
And best of all . . . . . .
Her Daddy is so proud of this. . . . .
She'll give knuckles. Aka. . . Pound it!