It has been a fun, busy few weeks.
The first snow of the season to start with. . . on 11/22/10
Then Thanksgiving # 1. . . on 11/25/10
Then Thanksgiving # 2. . . on 11/26/10
Then Dad's Birthday celebration on 11/27/10
And lastly a day to recoup and relax on 11/28/10
The snow was a blast to play in with the kids and Joey.
The preparation to get the kids bundled up and outside is a work out!
I was seriously sweating by the time we walked outside.
Kathryn cried the entire time she was in her snowsuit, in the house because she could not move at all. She kept saying, "Stuck, Stuck!" Which sounds a lot like, "Guck, Guck!"
Once outside there were lots of grins and giggles. She's seen snow before but not in Seattle.

Pulling the kids to the park to get some hill sledding in. We may never have snow on Thanksgiving Day again, in our life time, it was very fun memory making.
One minor incident that is funny in an odd way while we were at the park.
Paul was pulling the sled, with both kids in it, like pictured below. I was walking along side of him. We stopped at the hill we were going to sled next and looked back in the sled, only to find Kathryn was not there!
She had slipped out of the sled some 20 feet back and we didn't hear a thing! She was on her back, kicking her legs, flapping her arms, yelling, "Daddddddyyyy, Dadddddyyyyy!!" Not crying, but obviously stuck like turtle upside down on its shell. So funny, but it made my heart sink when I looked to the sled and saw her not there and for an instant didn't know where she was. Once I laid eyes on her I had to laugh a little!
We also sent Kathryn down a small hill on a solo sledding trip and the sled had a mind of its own that particular time and went off the path, dumping Kathryn in the snow head/face first! She's a good sport though. A face full of snow and she says, "Again!"

Fabulous dinner, outstanding smoked turkey and lots of laughs.
Me, Kels and Kerri
Grandad and his biggest fan
Thanksgiving # 2 at Paul's sister's home.
Downtown Snohomish, awaiting Santa!
It was a long day for her.

That's mashed potato's in her hair.

Ryan & Kimberly
A year apart in age, they play so well together
Kennedy side Grandkids

Ryan, 3
Kimberly, 4
Kathryn, 1
Ruby, 8

Her first 2010 Santa sighting with have to be another day

And dessert after the Santa sighting.
Kathryn getting a bit of ice cream from her Papa.
And lastly. . . A big Happy Birthday wish to my Dad. It was a treat to spend some time with you Dad, day before your birthday. The kids adore you and talk about you all the time. We love you!