Thursday, December 22, 2011

Gingerbread House, 2011

We seem to get less and less messy every year! At least less candy dropping on the floor.
Paul & Ryan - framing and construction
Ryan, Kathryn & Mom - exterior design
Mom - clean up crew
I tried my darndest to get a picture of both kids, with the gingerbread house.
5 fails, so I quit. Some days that is not a battle I am willing to fight. :-)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Christmas card photo I REALLY wanted to send out. . .

Oh Ryan, forgive me for this.
It was a successful, yet challenging photo shoot.
We did get some great photo's, I will always cherish my yearly Christmas photos.
Korryn takes on the task of wrangling my kids and getting some pictures of them. Every year she gets some amazing and memorable shots.
And cooperative/successful shots
2011 Annual baking day at Korryn's
Ryan was totally in to it this year and did a pretty good job of decorating.
Kathryn was a mess - as all 2 year old should be :-)
She started the morning at Korryn's very pouty, verging on tantrum-like, but pulled out of it once we got busy doing the cookie thing.
Paul's birthday came and went as he spent the day doing jury duty.
We postponed our birthday baking until a day we knew he would be home.
Chocolate cupcakes with chocolate butter cream frosting. The frosting tasted soo good. Although looks a little like. . . . umm, well something that is not typically placed on a cupcake. :-))
Ryan's friend Alec spent the afternoon here and got the chance to frost their own cupcakes.
Alec was fantastically clean about the whole thing. My two - were not.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

"MOM! Is it Christmas yet?!"

There is nothing like going through the holiday's with a 4 year old! The above question is asked daily and total excitement when Christmas decorations come out, more houses put lights on, etc etc. I have some fabulous outtakes from our Christmas card photo shoot -stay tuned.
Low key at the O'Neill's home and wonderful. Outstanding smoked turkey by Pat and just fun times hanging with family. Kathryn missed her nap and was a little on the tantrum-ee side until the pumpkin pie came out. All smiles then.
Black Friday means it's time for trip into Seattle for the Macy's parade. I love parades and love watching them with the kids. Korryn and kids joined us this year - so fun! Typically I work every Friday and am very grateful the office chooses to close down that day. I am thankful for that time I get to spend with my family at such a fun event.
The classic scowl:
Parade time!
Michael - 19 yrs
Kathryn - 2 yrs
Ryan - 4 yrs
Kelsey - 17 yrs

Monday, November 14, 2011

Good-Bye Crib, Thank you!

This was not a planned event in our household. I liked the security of having Kathryn in a crib. However. . . . . . Sunday after her nap she told me she wanted to stand up on the wide part of the crib railing (above where the cabinet is) and I kind of ignored her request as I was also talking to Ryan at that same time. Next thing I know, Kathryn has scurried her way up and was standing on top of the cabinet - all on her own. Oh My. Darn. The crib as we know it has got to go.
Hello toddler bed.
At first Kathryn was upset by the actions we took to remove the railing. But the grin came out when we showed her how independent she could be.
So far, one night time sleep and one nap, no issues of staying in bed. We'll see how long that lasts. :-)
Tugs at my heart a bit to say good-bye to the crib. It's good though. As I said on my last blog post, life is a little easier these days with a 2 and 4 year old.
I'll take it and I'll enjoy it.
Coincidentally, Ryan got a new bed on Sunday too. Just a bed frame, replacing the regular metal one he had. This one is maple, sturdy and looks like it was made years ago & it was! The manufacture date is printed on the back of the headboard. Date made: 8/30/54! Purchased at an estate sale, that was from a relative of a co-worker of mine. I really like this piece and hope it lasts Ryan a lifetime under our roof.

Monday, October 31, 2011


October has flown by. Here it is Halloween already. I have never been a huge fan of this day, but enjoying with my kids has given me a whole new perspective. Watching my children have fun, is plain and simple, fun for me as well.
Let me back up a bit. After our trip the Portland for the marathon, the following weekend was all about Paul. It consisted of lots of camouflage and from what he tells, me a whole lot of sitting - very still, very quiet. With the hopes a deer will just happen by. No such luck this year for Paul or his friend Aaron. I know they are already looking forward to next year. We spent the hunting weekend in Cle Elum with friends, Aaron, Jen, their 4 year old boy, Evan and 16 month old cutie, Ava. I am very thankful for their company while the boys were out on the hunt. It made the weekend quite tolerable with a comrade.
Evan, Ryan & Kathryn playing
Her first time in a sleeping bag. It lasted all of 10 minutes, and she was back in the pack n play. She is rapidly outgrowing that however!
The next weekend we enjoyed the Dawg Dash at University of Washington. The kids ran in the "Pup Run" with Harry the Husky - down one length of the football field. I hope to make this an annual thing. Fun!
Korryn & Kelsey ran the 5k
All proud she finished - although she was none to happy in the midst of the run. The whole first half she was crying, "I don't want too, I don't want too."
Ryan - Fireman
Kathryn - Unicorn
I am slightly biased, but I think they were the cutest fireman and unicorn I have ever seen!

Other stuff:

Jury duty I had to fulfill my civic duty and spend two days downtown Seattle, sitting. Waiting. Wondering how I could get out of this. Fortunately I was excused from the first trial I was called in on - a 4 to 5 week trial. They called in at least 120 jurors, most of which can't do that long of a trial - me included! Second trial was a 4-5 day trial and after about 4 hours of sitting, watching the lawyers for both sides do their stuff, I was excused. Phew. Obligation completed. SO SO thankful our daycare charging us only $40 for the day, instead of the $90 is should have been. And the second day my in-laws came to watch the kids. With the $10/day I got paid to be there, we lost $20, but it could have been much worse! Bilateral boo-boo's. Called for two bandaids!

I want to say that I am just loving being a parent to these two. I loved them as infants - but in hindsight I have realized how hard that time really is. We've reached a time when life is simpler. No diapers to lug around, both kids can walk good distances - so bye bye stroller. They can communicate their needs easily. The turf war has ceased (somewhat). The fighting over each and every toy is less and less. Most days they will play well together and for good stretches of time. Very enjoyable time in our lives

I'm lovin' it!

I can't remember his reasoning for bringing his dinosaur in to his bed, I think he didn't want to sleep alone. :-)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Portland Trip 2011

Fourth consecutive year I have been able to make this Portland, Oregon trip - to support my Dad run the Portland Marathon. I think it's my favorite thing I get to do every year. The weather was quite tolerable and it all went very well. I opted to leave Kathryn home with Paul this year. For many reasons, really. Most of all, ease of the trip. I was actually tearful leaving her. Have not been away from her that long - and it didn't help that she was clinging to me saying, "I want to go! I want to go!" She and her Daddy did great though. Some Daddy/daughter time & Mommy/son time. Dad did absolutely fantastic and I am inspired by him every time I see him and thousands of others attempt those 26.2 miles.
My Mom and Ryan walking to the Portland Saturday Market.
We made a quick pass by VooDoo donuts.
I know those donuts are supposed to be super good - but a line out the door, down the block? Really? No donut is that good!
Before the race Mom & DadWaiting for the race to start, snacking on some cereal Waiting for Dad to pass by - in the last mile of the marathon.
Ryan did absolutely wonderful on this trip.
Waiting beyond the finish line, for Dad to find us.
The sign is so Dad can find us in the midst of thousands of people.
Mom is leaning back because Ryan was a bit wild with the sign.

After the marathon we had a family gathering with some of Dad's side of the family. I don't get to see them nearly often enough - and this year was quite bittersweet with the passing of my Aunt Linda last month. She was my Dad's sister and her death surprised us all. I will miss her like crazy.