Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Why oh Why oh Why

But Why Mommy?
Why Mommy?
We all know 3 year old can ask that to the point of driving an adult insane.
But what to do when the "baby" starts asking it too?
I mean really, what to do?!
Since Kathryn is fairly sure she can do everything her brother does -she has decided to start in with the "Why?" as well.
It's actually cute and does not get to the point of driving me crazy, yet.
I still marvel at her vocab strength just because Ryan didn't get real verbal until nearly two.
* A few weeks ago we went to the zoo with friends Alec and Lindsay.
Alec has an opportunity to feed the penguins - Dora and Santiago
Oh the anticipation!
Another animal - this time at the Kennedy household zoo photo session while we watch Miss K in the tub and then Miss K in the tub. Her hair, uncontrolled!
And on to basketball.
Kathryn giving Ryan some basketball tips.
Ready to go in for his first game. He's the yellow team.
His mother forgot to bring his yellow shirt.
Bad Mom.
It's been a while since I gave Joey an honorable mention.
Kathryn LOVES to love on Joey.
Much to my surprise she is so patient.
I really thought she would have limited tolerance for youngsters shenanigans, but am very pleasantly surprised with Joey.
How cool is this shot?
We went to the zoo again today and our friend Lindsay snapped this photo.
Alec & Ryan And will end with this little tidbit - mainly so I remember it in the future.
Kathryn loves to get stuff out of the food pantry.
If the door is left open, you'll find her in there making a mess.
Her favorite is getting into the small packages of instant oatmeal - in a large box on a low shelf.
Both Paul and I were in the family room. Out comes Kathryn with a fist full of oatmeal packages.
She complied when we ask her to go put them back.
We also ask Ryan to go make sure she does it and then close the door.
He complied as well.
But we should have mentioned that he should make sure his sister is out of the pantry before he shuts the door!
He shut it, with her inside and then bolted to hide.
A sure sign he knew he did wrong.
Paul gets up to investigate - Ryan is hiding and Kathryn is in the pantry knocking on the door to be let out.
The first of many sibling pranks, I am sure.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

"I don't know"

A little peek at how verbal Kathryn is getting.

Her tone when she says "I don't know" just melts my heart. I love hearing her tiny voice.

For those of you that saw my Facebook post of when I tried to burn down our house by placing a cotton oven mitt on an off but still very hot burner - this is what I was doing (making the video) until I noted the smoke. Then said a few choice words, "Oh s*!#" and had the little talker repeat those exact two words back to me.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Little Rookie

Ryan started his Little Rookie Basketball League today.
He spent much of the time observing and watching to see if I was watching him. And when there was eye contact he would wave - which I caught in a few photos.
I think he is one of the youngest there. It's a class for 3-5 year old children. He is the shortest and seemed to have the least ability to focus. There were a few kids that were tearful and afraid to join in, and that is mostly what Ryan focused on. He did better when they broke into 3 groups of 4-5 kids.
His favorite part? "The dribbling!"
First solo attempt at yogurt.
The spoon just got in the way. She soon ditched it, and used her hand.
Kathryn's vocabulary has exploded! She is up to 3 word sentences like: "I don't know." "I get it!" "I do it!" Her words are clear and appropriate. She'll even use the yes and no slang, mm hmm - as in yes, and uh uh - as in no. This girl is going to be verbally debating me by 2 years old (a strong skill her father possesses) and I am a tad worried she'll out talk me!
* Nice product placement here. . .
Peaches and Sassy
(the goats, not my kids - although both could be called sassy on occasion!)
I am not sure which is which - they belong to my parents.
Mom and Dad were gracious enough to take the kids two nights,
to help cover a child care hole.
My morning with no kids, no husband, no work - was pure bliss.
I wanted to bottle up that feeling and crack it open when I need it most!
Grandma pulling them on the sled.
And lastly and wonderfully - the new window in the kids room.