November brought us some great weather, Covid free school and work for students/employees & a quiet Thanksgiving.
This kiddo is so photogenic. 💕
From our backyard. Outstanding
Our Thanksgiving was just us 3.
I shook life up a bit and we did an upside down Thanksgiving.
Starting with a 2 hour Zoom with family.
Apple & pumpkin pie for breakfast
Broccoli casserole and potatoes for lunch
Hand delivered smoked turkey from Korryn and Wayne (so good! I was not going to cook a turkey, just a chicken - grateful they did deliveries!) and mashed potatoes.
By the end of all that, everyone was ready for more pie.
Along with a mammoth monopoly game (Ryan schemes and buys hotels as soon as he can, basically bankrupting the rest of us quite quickly) we had a great day.

December again brought us a Covid free school and workplace for students and employees. Given the high rate of infection all around us, this is a small miracle.
Like the previous months, it was low key. The decision to not gather at Christmas time was well known to all of us, but not verbalized out loud. It was not going to be a Christmas without Kerri and Sam here.
About 10 days before Christmas Eve, we all admitted it was not going to happen. The kids and me were able to see Mom and Dad for an outdoor only visit. It was cold, but a beautiful crisp day. Mountains out on all sides. We did brief yet priceless hugs. Ryan got to snuggle with his BFF Carson the cat.
This year we tried a different route for Gingerbread houses, using pop tarts instead. It was an experience and experiment the kids both asked I not embark upon ever again. 🤣
Pop tarts are not stable enough to hold up to the usual handling that gingerbread could withstand. In the end, however - they turned out well.
Our small but delightful Christmas tree.
The massive red wrapped box in the box was a gift to the neighbor girl Mira from Kathryn. A gift basket full of fun stuff, in a massive box to make it even more fun.
Our Christmas Eve family (my immediate family, Aunt Karol & Uncle Doug and Jade (Wayne's adult daughter) all did a 3 hour Zoom. It's not the same, but better than being alone.

We also had a visitor for 10 days.
Ryan called the place under the tree the breakfast nook for Cookie Dough. Chewing on paper or cords is one of his favorite things. 🐇
Love our time together.
Seems fitting to end this post and 2020 with a picture of my Demeter-kitty.
She is hanging on and seems to still enjoy life.
Let's hope 2021 is good to her and everyone we love. 💖

Welcome 2021