Demeter had clearly been slowing down since the year began. Mid-February she started to appear uncomfortable, but was still eating, drinking and purring. Her last 48 hours, food no longer interested her, she wasn't purring and it appeared as if the kitty I had known for 18.5 years was already gone. Just her body still existed. Monday, March 1st, I came home from an appointment to find her moaning. I knew then it was time. I was able to get the kids, the vet allowed us to bring her in that afternoon and made an exception for our family to be together (they were limiting 2 people per room due to Covid restrictions) as we said good-bye. It was a relief to see her suffering over. It left the house so so quiet. I didn't realize how much I talked to her until she was no longer here to talk too.
18.5 years old.
She was a gift for all those years.