2022 is here
Ten days in we met Omicron, one of Covid's siblings. It was unwelcome and 10 days later still creating some havoc.
Let me back up a little. Covid has been around for 2 years now. It's not new, but as it's morphed, it always feels new. Especially viewing the rapid changes as a nurse. The vaccine has been helpful. We will never know if the vaccine could have helped in our scenario. Monday January 10th, actually Sunday the 9th, Kathryn complained her quadricep hurt. No big deal, she's growing. I told her we'd see how she felt in the morning. Morning comes, she calls me in her room (actually she textedπ± me to come see her - I was literally in the room right next to her - oh tweens & technology π€£). She tells me she didn't sleep much, her body hurt, she had a headache and a sore throat. Took her temp - 102.4. Did a rapid covid test, it was negative. It was negative because it was too early in her illness to detect the virus. We were able to schedule a PCR test through Seattle Children's Hospital, just squeaking in before they shut their community site down due to overwhelming demand and low supplies. Almost exactly 48 hours later, my throat starts hurting. I didn't sleep well, my whole body hurt, massive headache and I had 101 fever. Crap. That same day, we got Kathryn tested, results were back 2 days later. Positive. I took a rapid test. Positive. Two years in to Covid and we had it. Both of us were in disbelief and some relief. For now, we have it and don't have to worry about getting it (until the next variant rolls around). She recovered quickly (dang youth). I took another day or two to get over the symptoms, mainly headache and extreme fatigue. Unfortunately and perplexing, I passed out and fell three times the night I had the worst symptoms. One of the falls (or more, I won't know because I was unconscious!) I hit my head, sustaining a concussion. As my Covid symptoms eased, the headache and the head pain did not. I had a hunch what happened based on bruising around my head. A virtual appointment with my MD confirmed. So, I rest. I can truly tell when I have used my brain too much. It starts to pound and the only relief is lying still with my eyes closed.
Back to the vaccine part of this story. Kathryn is not vaccinated. It's a long story as to why she is not; I have many mixed feelings about the whole situation. I do not have my booster. I have a few reasons, but no excuses. I should have it by now. Given how much Omicron has moved through the community like fire, we will never know if it would've been helpful.
Ryan has escaped the virus thus far. He also stayed at his Dad's - one good part of a two household lifestyle.
The school shut down for 10 days to slow the spread. It seemed as if it was moving classroom to classroom, knocking everyone down. Wether they start back in person next week is still unknown.