Status Quo
It's truly been just living life here at the Kennedy household.
Mid-February Kathryn got quite sick. Missed a lot of school and fortunately had mid-winter break to recuperate. She likely had mono, however we never formally tested her because the result would not change the treatment. And, she is highly opposed to blood tests. Once recovered she quickly got back to her usual routines.
Both kids are doing great in high school
Ryan does not have his drivers license yet. . . . not sure why he is dragging his feet on taking the driving test, but when he's ready he'll do it. It's springtime - his lawn care service with Cooper is keeping him busy.
My work is perfect. It's lovely to be so content at a job. It checks all the boxes of what my family needs financially, emotionally etc. Very lucky to have landed at SCH.
Hilda & Hawkins . . . . . they keep us on our toes. Or awake all night if they decide night time is playtime. The picture with Hawkins on his back under a cabinet - The stool next to him was put there to prevent him from opening the cabinet and getting in the garbage. We now have child locks on there again (after they were removed years ago when the kids were old enough). Hilda is always watching. Anytime I sit on the couch, no matter where she is, she will hear it and join me to play a round of fetch. Even if I try to sneak quietly, she always knows.
Hawkins trying to swipe a leftover piece of pizza
This view never gets old. For both the kitties and the scenery.
Just a cool picture of a tree with rocks tucked in to the grooves.
Carleek Park

Early April brought a little new-ness in to our home. We've upgraded with a new couch. We had used furniture in the living room since 2017. It's so nice to have a piece of furniture that is very functional and comfortable. Has charging ports on one end, the chaise opens up for storage. It also pulls out to the size of a double bed. Coincidentally we got a new TV 2 weeks earlier. The old TV was also used when it was installed in 2010. It had been broken for a year but I waited to replace for a variety of reasons. Both the TV and couch have made for a quite comfy room.
Hilda approves
She's also been caught digging her claws in to the side to use it as a scratching post. Fortunately she listens well and I think with our consistent "NO!" she'll learn it's not ok.
Spring Break 2024
I thought a lot about what we should do for this school break.
I took the week off from work as well.
About a month prior to the break I sat down with the kids to get their input on what they would like to do. Neither had strong feelings (except both would love to travel to Atlanta to see Kerri - hopefully soon) about what we should do. I proposed a night in Leavenworth to ride the Alpine Coaster, eat at the Icicle Brewery again. We went in 2021 - prime Covid precautions in place. Enjoyed it then and wanted to go back. Picked a hotel with a free breakfast and then headed home. The Alpine Coaster was fun and worth the trip. Pictured are the kids in their carts - riders can choose how fast or slow they go.
Stopped at this diner on the way home. While we waited for our food, the server brought us this pancake saying it was made by mistake. She wanted us to enjoy it instead of throwing it away. I don't know if it was because it was free or what - but all three of us said it was one of the best pancakes we've eaten!
On the way home from Leavenworth we stopped at Bobbi Ann's home to leave a baby gift for Ruby. Pictured are the cousins as we were out for a walk. Coincidence that I caught them in order of height. I 100% love this picture. After the divorce I was separated from this side of the family for obvious reasons. Learning that Ruby was pregnant I wanted to give her a gift and let her know that she is welcome to call/text me anytime if she has baby questions. She's fairly young (22) and I want her to have a resource if needed.
It's been wonderful to reconnect with Bobbi Ann as well.
3rd stop on our Spring Break was tickets to a Kraken Game. It was the big money outting for us - tickets are crazy expensive. Ryan wanted to be there early, one of the first go get in.
Pictured is their spot in the line to get in. π
We had so much fun. It was my second NHL game (last one in 1989, St. Louis Blues when I lived in Illinois!) first game for the kids. The Kraken lost, but we all enjoyed the experience.
Last stop for Spring Break was a Mariner's Game, the day after the Kraken game. M's won, we had fun seats down the 3rd base line.

We did a few other activities.... a gourmet coffee shop, frozen yogurt for dinner one night etc. Successful spring break and week away from work.
That sums up the past few months. Summer will soon be here. Ryan will continue to take care of lawns. Kathryn has two volleyball camps. I have a trip with friends to the San Juan Islands to swim (my first vacation without kids, although the trip to Halifax was almost like vacation even though it was for work!) Seaside will follow my trip to the San Juan Islands. I will blink - Ryan will be a junior & Kathryn a sophomore in high school. I'm a lucky mama π