Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Puppy Dog Tails

I chose that title because Ryan has taken a liking to Joey's tail and if he has the chance it's in his hands, much to Joey's dismay. Ryan has also decided lying his head on Joey is fun and she can't figure out what his deal is! It's all cute from my point of view, but it's not my tail being grabbed!
Paul and I have had a rough few weeks. Our loss, an unexpected death in the family and the nations financial craziness that affects Paul at work. . . it all has had an impact. So, I am going to take this oppotunity to tell those that are in my life, even if you're across the country (Linda & Susan) that I love you and have been so blessed that you're in my life. Consider yourself hugged.
Love, Krista

1 comment:

Marcia Bosma said...

Krista - I completely hear you about the financial crisis and how it affects Paul's work - Nathan is now in banking and it's been a nightmare for him too. I've honestly hardly seen him lately - he's at work pretty much all day and all night. I don't think a lot of people realize how crazy it is right now or how much is on the line!