Happy New Year! New Years Day started as a typical weekend day would be. Paul was home from work, spending the day taking down Christmas decorations, cleaning, relaxing and putting some boxes in the attic. Not necessarily in that order. Since we had the attic open and the ladder in the house to access the attic, Paul took the opportunity to put some extra insulation we had, up there. Just trying to keep his family warm, I suppose. While he was up there, I was in the computer room trying to organize it. I heard a huge indescribable noise from the living room. I ran in there yelling something along the lines of. "Paul, what the heck did you do!?" Upon entering the living room it was instantly obvious what had happened. I see Paul's left leg hanging out of a 3 ft by 2 ft hole in our ceiling! He slipped on a board he thought was secured, badly spraining his ankle and losing his balance. . . as he fell through the ceiling. He caught himself and was able to pull himself back into the attic. I asked if he was ok. . and got a soft yes and groans of pain. I then just sat in our recliner looking at the hole now in the ceiling, not really believing what I was seeing. The pictures I have to post are from after the hole was cleaned up a bit. Insulation was back in place and the hanging drywall (not sure if that is the correct word to use) was cut off. Paul has given me is permission to post this, as I did not want to embarrass him. In fact after he got back down from the attic and was watching his poor ankle swell, he said to me, "You're going to blog about this, aren't you?" Well of course that went through my head immediately after I calmed down from the incident, but again was going to be sensitive to his feelings about it. The hole is in the process of being patched.

ohhhh...that stinks! I can see why Paul was injured so badly.
Gary fell through a rung of the pull-down ladder from the attic last year getting the decorations down. Christmas might just be the most dangerous holiday :)
I hope Paul is ok! I knew he hurt himself, but I must not have known exactly how he did it. Sorry about the hole. :(
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