Baby # 2 as far as we can tell has all necessary parts and pieces!
We are halfway through the pregnancy and besides being tired, it's going well. The ultrasound process was a bit of a disappointment - as it has been all four times (two times with Ryan's pregnancy and now two with this pregnancy) we have gone there. Being in the medical profession myself, I think I have above average patience for health care and things that can and will go wrong. However with this particular clinic, known for being excellent at what they do, every time we went there was an issue. I purposely made an appointment for right after their lunch, so they would be on time. I wanted Paul and Ryan to both be there, and am fully aware I have a short window of cooperation from Ryan. We waited 35 minutes to be roomed, another 10 for the ultrasound tech and another 15 for the doctor to come chat with us after the ultrasound was done. Paul and Ryan had to leave before it was over, just because Ryan had enough of being held. I was sad Paul couldn't see it all. I don't blame Ryan one bit, he is a toddler and did better than I was hoping for. I was told an ultrasound tech was out sick, but why did at least 7 other women get roomed before us? As specialized as that clinic is, I feel they over book, and take their routine clients first. I mention all this because the ultrasound tech was really subdued and not very informative on what she was seeing or pointing out key things for us to see. We got three pictures total, the one below being the best. Having said all that, I did get what I needed. Reassurance that Baby # 2 is thriving - he or she is 13 oz. so far, falling at the 80th percentile! If he or she keeps that rate of growth up, oy vey! Come the latter months of gestation, I will be feeling it! I feel much more at ease having seen the baby on ultrasound and all major anotomy accounted for. We purposely chose NOT to find or look for a certain part of babies anatomy - I love the suspense!

I am so happy it went well(well sort of). What do you think of a 9# baby....hehehe
I am so thrilled for you guys. I can't wait to meet my new great niece or nephew. With any luck, maybe the little cutie will be born on my birthday. Think July
Love you all,
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