Sunday, June 28, 2009

Just stuff

We are approaching the last few weeks of the pregnancy, and I think we are pretty much ready.... as ready as anyone can be, before a baby is born. My blood pressure has been fantastically controlled on the medication and most of the side effects are minimal to gone now. I feel slow, awkward and as if I am a passenger in my own body right now, but so worth it. Our excitement grows to meet our son or daughter.
Post below are a few pictures of an afternoon we spent at University of Washington, just enjoying how beautiful it is there. We've been reading a book to Ryan (over and over and over again per his request) called: Hello, Harry the Husky. A book all about how mascot Harry goes all over the campus seeing the sights. So we did the same.
Below that are pictures of a summer BBQ with friends and Lindsay and Rob's place. They are so much fun, because almost everyone there has a baby boy. No little girls in sight! Seven boys, ranging in age from about 4-5 all they way down to a 4 month old. Lindsay and Rob know how to throw a good BBQ!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ummmm. . . .

I promise this is how I found him when I peeked in before I was going to bed. He was sound asleep. His transition is really going smoothly - and he is proving he can sleep anywhere! I moved him back into the bed after I snapped the picture.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

He (and we) did it!

Ryan's first full night in the big boy bed!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ryan's interpretation . . . .

. . . . of napping in his big boy bed. When we leave the room he is on his bed - usually this is how we find him when we peek in later.
On two occasions we have gotten this:
Bath time!

Paul and I have every intention of putting him in the bed full time soon. We have talked about it for weeks and I am sure Ryan will cope just fine. It's his parents who aren't quite ready for him to be mobile after we say, "ni night, Ryan". Maybe this weekend....... but we've said that for 3 weekends in a row now. . . . .

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Baby Update

It's been two weeks of taking blood pressure medication. It's working! Working too well actually. My blood pressure at rest was quite low and with activity right about where it should be.... so the doctor is cutting the dose in half with the hopes that it won't drop as low at rest (which will hopefully eliminate some of the nausea, light-headedness and fatigue that came along with the medicine) and will still stabilize the pressure with activity. The tests we have done to make sure baby is happy in there have come back all positive. That is incredibly reassuring to know! From now until birth I get to go to the Childbirth Center for weekly non-stress tests to monitor babies activity, I need to do one more ultrasound to check fluid levels (in about two weeks) and every other week to every week appointments with my doctor. Paul, being unemployed still really stinks, but I cannot tell you how grateful I am to have him around to help with Ryan as I go to all the appointments. It's nice to have a positive spin to the crappy unemployment situation.
My excitement, apprehension and anticipation to see if we are going to give Ryan a brother or sister is growing!