We are approaching the last few weeks of the pregnancy, and I think we are pretty much ready.... as ready as anyone can be, before a baby is born. My blood pressure has been fantastically controlled on the medication and most of the side effects are minimal to gone now. I feel slow, awkward and as if I am a passenger in my own body right now, but so worth it. Our excitement grows to meet our son or daughter.
Post below are a few pictures of an afternoon we spent at University of Washington, just enjoying how beautiful it is there. We've been reading a book to Ryan (over and over and over again per his request) called: Hello, Harry the Husky. A book all about how mascot Harry goes all over the campus seeing the sights. So we did the same.
Below that are pictures of a summer BBQ with friends and Lindsay and Rob's place. They are so much fun, because almost everyone there has a baby boy. No little girls in sight! Seven boys, ranging in age from about 4-5 all they way down to a 4 month old. Lindsay and Rob know how to throw a good BBQ!

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