I am so very happy I did not have Paul take a belly picture until now - because if I could see myself on a daily basis, how I see myself in this photo, I would be too scared to go out in public! Ok, I am exaggerating a tad, but I did not realize I looked as big nor as tired as I look in this photo! For fun I put a belly picture from two years ago (taken 7-19-07) when I was pregnant with Ryan. Same tank top. Look at how it sits on my lower abdomen, I am so much bigger this time! Rumor is (via ultrasound) that baby is already 8 lbs 4 oz. Ryan was 6 lbs 6 oz at birth... so yea... a bit bigger this time!

Other than that, we wait to see if a little baby boy or girl will join our family. We enjoy Ryan daily as he learns new things at an astounding pace. 8 more days and he'll be two years old! He talks non-stop, frequently about his new favorite thing, any moving vehicle. "Bus!" "Fire Truck!" "Garbage Truck!" Said repeatedly until we acknowledge that we saw it too. I love every second of it!
glad you finally posted a belly shot!
You look beautiful in both shots and we can't wait to meet the newest Kennedy. Praying for Paul and the rest of the family that the job situation will be resolved soon. Our love to you all!!!
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