Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Got a bunch of pictures... This first one of Ryan is one of my all time favorites. My compliments to the photographer... Korryn!
All is well as far as my health goes. I will be seeing a neurologist tomorrow because my headaches while much better have yet to go away completely. My OB wanted me to go and I was so hoping I would not need the appointment. I hope he tells me I wasted his time and my headaches are a big nothing and they will go away.
Kathryn hits 4 weeks old on Friday. She is a super sweet baby. Ryan seems to love her as much as we do. Adjusting to being parents of two has it's challenges, but the rewards far outnumber the difficulties. I am trying to soak up every moment, because we all know it goes so fast.
A gift from his Grandma Kathie for his 2nd birthday. Kathryn's first submerged bath. She SO hated me for a good 10 minutes after it was done. It was not her idea of fun.
Grandad Mike
Grandma Kathie
Daddy and his baby girl - self portrait
Snack time at the wading pool

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