A few have asked how our birth experience was, helping Miss Kathryn join our family... so here is a synopsis of how it all went. Our due date was 7/29/09 - aka the hottest day in Seattle history! That day came and went with no signs of impending labor. My OB had said early on and reinforced her concern about me trying to have a natural delivery after going through a C-section with Ryan when we saw that Kathryn had the chance to be 8 pounds or larger. So, two weeks prior to our due date my OB scheduled a repeat C-section with the hopes that baby would come on her own before that time. She was apparently quite cozy in her "home" and stayed put. July 31st, at 1 pm was the scheduled repeat C-section. When I got to the hospital that day, they hooked me up the the monitors, and asked if I had had any contractions. My response was no, but lo and behold I was contracting at that time, just could not feel them. Within an hour I was feeling them, so I am pretty sure we were going into labor, finally! We went ahead with the C-section anyway and after seeing I was carrying a 8 lb. 14 oz. little girl, I am ok with not having the chance to attempt a natural delivery. My recovery has been amazing and nearly pain free, much to my surprise. Miss Kathryn is a champ at eating and for the first few days was fond of sleeping. The past two or three days she is more fond of fussing with a few cat naps here and there. Regardless of lack of sleep and dealing with the fuss - we are thrilled we have a healthy baby girl. I'm still in awe I have a girl, even though the entire pregnancy I thought it was going to be one. I love that we have a son and a daughter. I feel like my family is so complete. It's funny that my sister Korryn has a son and daughter too... in that order.. born 8 days apart. Now I have the same, with the children born 5 days apart. Yet Korryn and I had our children 15 and 17 years apart!
Here's a few pictures of our time in the hospital:

Very emotional when I saw Ryan after Kathryn was born.

Paul's side of the family.

What a great story - thanks for sharing all the details. She is just beautiful. Can't wait to meet her!
that was Lindsay, by the way. ;)
okay- the last picture...she totally looks like you, Krista! That is an amazing story. I have so much to learn from you. I hope I will get to see you next time your in the office.
what is amazing is that you found the time to write such a lovely recap! kathryn is the most beautiful baby girl! good luck adjusting!
natalie and roman
Beautiful story and pictures - thanks for sharing! I am so incredibly happy for your family!
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