I think we've settled in nicely, to being a family of four. It took me about 5-6 days to adjust to having Paul gone (he is still working with his friend, doing some construction), but Ryan, Kathryn and I found our groove. It's been a lot of fun and not as hard as I thought it would be. What I am finding the hardest is dealing with a 2 year old unpredictable moods. Boy I thought I was moody! Not even close to the mood swings of this two year old! Fortunately they are short and usually redirect-able within a few minutes. I think I have said this before, even though it's a challenge, when I think back on his ups and downs, I love it. It's an honor to watch this little man grow and being two is part of his journey.
My MRI's were negative. Headaches practically gone and if I do have one I usually know why, i.e too tired, hungry, thirsty, etc. The blood pressure medications are being tapered down and tomorrow I do a follow up with the neurologist, hopefully last time I ever have to see him.
Kathryn is approaching 8 weeks old. She is such a calm little soul. I caught the picture below yesterday. In awe that she can just fall asleep anywhere. She even slept through Joey barking her head off when the diaper service brought this weeks clean diapers. Joey was not even 5 feet away from her - going nuts at the person at our door. I love being her Mom and really look forward to our adventures together to come.

Ryan at the fair
This has become a fun routine of mine. Ryan sits next to me as I cook some sort of weekend breakfast, this day it was one of my nostalgic favorites - ricotta pancakes. And I know, I know.... he is sitting next to a potentially hot coffee pot, a potentially hot toaster, within inches of a block full of knives and an arm length away from a hot stove. All major NO NO's! Oh and not to mention that he could fall off the counter. Ugh, now that I see it all written down, I might have to modify how we do this.
1 comment:
Rob and I both got a good chuckle out of your last paragraph. I can relate to it - I let Alec sit on the counter sometimes too. :) Love the PJ's Ryan has on. They look vaguely familiar.
Thanks for the update pics of Ms. Kathryn. We must get together again very, very soon.
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