Oh how often I hear that now. I am trying to keep an upbeat attitude about my two year old, but he is exhausting me. His melt downs have increased by such a huge number that I have been questioning what I am doing wrong. Napping is not on his agenda - there has been a nap strike for about a week now. I suggest quiet time too, but no go. There is a lot of screaming going on right now. And I may be imagining this, but I think Kathryn senses something is amuk and she is not happy either. She needs to be held constantly and not just cuddled, but rocked, talked to, etc. Both Paul and I are tired. Right now it's kids - 1, parents - 0. I'm not liking that so much.
I am back at work, as of this week. It's good to be back in the sense that I get to use my brain for what I am good at. I thrive off of being organized and efficient. I had to let that go when Kathryn came home. I have come to terms with just going with the flow of the house, but it's really nice to use my skills and help others. Work is absolutely crazy right now. If you know a nurse, hug them. They are getting yelled at, stomped on and driven down because everyone is worried about H1N1. We're doing our best!
Paul has now hit 10 months of being unemployed. Yuck, yuck and more yuck. I cannot believe it's gone on this long. I do kinda like having him home now though. :-) But, I have put off a lot of stuff, waiting for that second pay check to come in, like taking Demeter-kitty and Joey to the vet for their annual check ups. All of our home improvement dreams just sit in a pile in our minds, since there are no funds for that. I am exceptionally grateful that we have made it ten months and financially are still going.... well not strong, but steady. We are still keeping our fingers, toes, arms, legs.... crossed with hopes a good job comes his way.
Ryan as a frog, trick or treating. He loved this outfit and asked to put it on again today. Too funny.

1 comment:
Sending a big hug your way, Krista - you are an awesome mom, and I think sometime kids just conspire to beat us down and see how quickly they can wear us out. :) Luke is the same way - there are days that he just completely wins the battle, because I just get so worn out trying to fight him on things! He gave up napping at age 2 and has fought me every day since about needing quiet time....it's all trial and error to figure out what works with these little monsters! :) Good thing we love them so much.
Glad to hear you're surviving with the H1N1 craziness - I can not even imagine how insane it must be. It's busy at the hospital, but at least we only have to deal with the ones who are admitted - not the millions of parents calling to ask about symptoms, vaccines, etc.
Hang in there! Say hi to everyone!
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