Well that 6 months went by fast. I knew it would. An itty bitty part of me is sad to see my infant baby girl grow into a soon to be toddler, but I try to live in the moment and soak up every moment of what is going on currently. We started solid foods. She is loving the rice cereal. Last night I gave her a taste of peas and she had that classic expression quickly take over her face, of what the. . . .? And by the third bite she was looking at me as if I had horribly betrayed her, by continuing to push the peas. I then tried to go back to the rice cereal, but it was evident she was done with me, and the solid food for the day. We rarely call her Kathryn these days. She has gotten the nick name Baby Pterodactyl because I imagine if a baby pterodactyl was to shriek, it would sound so much like she sounds. It's ear piercing. It's her I am some where in between about to get mad and really scream and thinking about being happy. I am not afraid to let a baby cry now and then, especially if it's not feasible to tend to her right then and there. But I tell ya, I do try to avoid waking the pterodactyl in her.
At her 6 month check up. . . 17 lbs 1 oz
She checked out great & got her 6 month vaccines.
(that's the face we see just before the pterodactyl wakes!)

Showing off her cockatiel hairstyle

First foods. Notice her fist, covered in food. She did that twice and then quit trying to "help" me get the food in her mouth.
Oh the flexibility of a baby....

In other news. . . Paul really thought he had a job nailed. The person he interviewed with went as far as to tell him he would have an "offer by the weekend". What he didn't tell Paul is that he did not have the final say and totally jumped the gun by telling him that. I cannot tell you how frustrating it is to watch Paul go through this. I feel so helpless. I keep telling him, it was not meant to be, when a job falls through. Paul is so sick of me saying that, and I understand. I guess that's my coping mechanism - trying to find a positive spin to a really bummer of a situation.
And here is one for Papa and Grandma Soon.
Thank you both, he loves it more than you know!

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