I can't remember who I was talking to about sleep training Kathryn - they called it Baby Boot Camp. I stole that phrase and have been using it all weekend. Our plan for this weekend was to do a some sleep training for Miss Kathryn, to hopefully get her to sleep in some long stretches. Ryan spent some time with my parents to help ease into this process, although with the exception of her first few nights sharing a room with him, he has not been bothered by her at all (I think. It's hard to tell if a 2 year old is moody from being awoken at night, or just being a typical 2 year old, ya know?). For a couple of months now we have been progressively feeding her less quantity at night, to help her adjust to this change. It must have worked because there was really no need for the Boot Camp. Without much prompting, she started sleeping 10-12 hours at night. Waking a few times to lightly fuss and falling back to sleep on her own. If she is anything like Ryan was, this won't be the end to the night time waking, but I hope we are laying some down some good habits for quality sleep in the future. A tiny part of me will miss bringing her to bed with me and having her wake up next to me, cooing and smiling. I still want to do that for the sweetness of it, the closeness. But, I think that is fooling her and allowing both of us to not sleep well. I know I am a better Mommy to her when I have had decent sleep. So, I hope, as I do with all parenting decisions that I am doing the right thing.
Now on to the pictures.
There are two things I cannot resist taking pictures of:
Baby baths and children sleeping. I have a ton of both. Kathryn got her first kitchen sink bath since she is sitting so well now. No bending for me, yay!

Here's one of Ryan exactly 2 years ago on March 2, 2008
(boy I don't miss that rental house sink at all. All the caulking was flaking off and it was impossible to clean!)

High chair pic . . . .
. . . . and one of Ryan in January 2008

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