Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Maiden Voyage

The John Deere took it's first voyage out on the open road today. Prior to going out Ryan felt it necessary to give Kathryn the rules of the road.
She looks so grown up in these pictures!
And is still a super huge drooler, note the slobber spot under her chin!
He's riding with our neighbor here, Cooper. He'll be two in April.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

For Papa and Grandma Soon

As if he has been doing it all his life . . . . .

This was taken at Paul's parents place this past week. Apparently he took to it quite quickly and loved it!

I keep having this nagging thought that he needs a helmet while riding in that cart - but it doesn't go very fast. Thoughts, anyone?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Movin' On Up

Kathryn has reached the point in life where we have to look hard to find any "infant" left in her. She's an amazing little girl, developing her own personality and traits. It's been a real honor for me to be her mother and watch her grow. This week we hit a big change in that we say good-bye to her infant car seat.
Paul and I were really happy with Ryan's car seat, so we got the exact same kind for Kathryn. I got it for $80 less than I paid for Ryan's - I think because of the pink. The challenge now will be to see if I can still get it in the Jeep, in the middle seat, so we can still bring Joey to occasions when the back of the Jeep is full.
Is she thinking, "How do I get myself out of this thing?" This one is for AMY!
Too stinkin' cute! Thanks Ames!
And this one . . . . . Two of my most favorite girls in the whole wide world... Kelsey and Kathryn. Beautiful, beautiful girls.

To see my post about Ryan's change from the infant car seat, click here:http://celebratingryan.blogspot.com/2008/04/retirement-of-infant-car-seat.html

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Chocolate Indulgence

Paul and I had the chance to get out for a few hours (to celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary tomorrow) without kids - thanks to Korryn (& family) who took Kathryn and our friends Richard and Brean, parents to Raigan, she just turned 3 years old, took Ryan. More on that below. We took Seattle's Chocolate Indulgence Tour and it was a lot of fun. I think we went to 6 or 7 different places in downtown Seattle, sampling things like a chocolate cocktail, chocolate coconut cream pie bite, Columbian drinking chocolate (oh man that was rich) chocolate gelato, brownie enrobed by chocolate ganache, Bailey's chocolate cheesecake (my fave . . . . and I am not a big cheesecake fan) and more. Didn't eat a lot of chocolate, but what we did eat was so rich, we were chocolate'd out by the end. We got some fun information about Seattle and how the city got it's gourmet chocolate stores etc. Something I would recommend to others, for sure.
And then Ryan got go on a real locomotive train ride through Ballard and have lunch with his friend Raigan. Ryan's first outing sans parents. I only got this picture, but I hope more are to come from Raigan's parents! I'm told they got to sit inside the engine room and outside by where the bars are. It took Ryan a bit to warm up, especially after he had to put ear plugs in, but he tells me he had fun. A unique experience for sure.
And not to be left out. . . .

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Yard Work & cheesy grin!

With the cooperating weather Paul has been putting the hours in, outside. He's done so much work that within one week he filled 5 big yard waste containers (we filled all our neighbors cans) and 2 garbage cans our nice neighbors took to the yard waste recycle place and with probably 2 - 3 more cans worth still on the ground. The yard looks pretty good, but still has a long way to go, to have it the way we want it. A lot of the work we would like to do will have to wait, until the finances support those goals. I think it feels productive for Paul to get out and stay busy. He is going crazy with the ongoing unemployment - 14 months now. And nothing in the works as far as a job in finance goes. He is strongly considering a job in insurance. I am trying to be supportive, although it's commission and no benefits. A risk and that makes me nervous!
Paul pulled out a really ugly juniper type bush, a whole bunch of overgrowth of ivy and who knows what else to put in this little flower bed - or community outdoor litter box for all the cats in the neighborhood. They are loving the nice clean new dirt! Yuck!
Working in the alley, trimming the magnolia tree
Joey's nose.
My girl in blue - again.
I HATE this picture of me - but I had to put it in for Ryan's cheesy grin.
That boy cracks me up.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Turf War

Demeter-kitty must have gotten tired of being chased by Ryan and pounced on by Joey and shooed away by me when she's under foot. She laid claim to the changing table this day and did not move. She remained through the entire diaper change and stayed there another 2 hours.
She believes in RHIP.
Rank Has Its Privileges.
And she truly was our first baby.
Kathryn had her head on Demeter's back here. Love Demeter's head position - she was not budging, nor was she getting upset.
"kitty - kiss" as Ryan calls them

Friday, March 5, 2010

"Make her laugh, Ryan"

A small glimpse into how the kids sound and how little Kathryn looks as she grows like a weed. This is a 20 second video, starting with Ryan saying what ever it is he is saying to make Kathryn laugh. I have no idea how or why he made that phrase to make her giggle, as if it's their own communication that I am not privy too, but it works. She giggles every time. And then the real 2 year old comes out. He notices that I am doing a video and insists on seeing the camera screen. Watching them happily interact is the best medicine for a bad day. They always make me smile.

Thank you Jenn, Aaron and Evan for loaning us the Jump up!