Saturday, March 13, 2010

Yard Work & cheesy grin!

With the cooperating weather Paul has been putting the hours in, outside. He's done so much work that within one week he filled 5 big yard waste containers (we filled all our neighbors cans) and 2 garbage cans our nice neighbors took to the yard waste recycle place and with probably 2 - 3 more cans worth still on the ground. The yard looks pretty good, but still has a long way to go, to have it the way we want it. A lot of the work we would like to do will have to wait, until the finances support those goals. I think it feels productive for Paul to get out and stay busy. He is going crazy with the ongoing unemployment - 14 months now. And nothing in the works as far as a job in finance goes. He is strongly considering a job in insurance. I am trying to be supportive, although it's commission and no benefits. A risk and that makes me nervous!
Paul pulled out a really ugly juniper type bush, a whole bunch of overgrowth of ivy and who knows what else to put in this little flower bed - or community outdoor litter box for all the cats in the neighborhood. They are loving the nice clean new dirt! Yuck!
Working in the alley, trimming the magnolia tree
Joey's nose.
My girl in blue - again.
I HATE this picture of me - but I had to put it in for Ryan's cheesy grin.
That boy cracks me up.

1 comment:

Korryn said...

I think it is a cute family picture!