Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Movin' On Up

Kathryn has reached the point in life where we have to look hard to find any "infant" left in her. She's an amazing little girl, developing her own personality and traits. It's been a real honor for me to be her mother and watch her grow. This week we hit a big change in that we say good-bye to her infant car seat.
Paul and I were really happy with Ryan's car seat, so we got the exact same kind for Kathryn. I got it for $80 less than I paid for Ryan's - I think because of the pink. The challenge now will be to see if I can still get it in the Jeep, in the middle seat, so we can still bring Joey to occasions when the back of the Jeep is full.
Is she thinking, "How do I get myself out of this thing?" This one is for AMY!
Too stinkin' cute! Thanks Ames!
And this one . . . . . Two of my most favorite girls in the whole wide world... Kelsey and Kathryn. Beautiful, beautiful girls.

To see my post about Ryan's change from the infant car seat, click here:

1 comment:

Amy and Matt said...

I love the hoodie! Thanks for postin' it girl! Nice seeing you both today!