Dear Miss Kathryn,
For over a year now, when you woke up in the morning it was me who would search out those bright eyes and dimpled cheeks from where ever it was you were sleeping.
Yesterday was different.
I opened the door to this:
Beaming from ear to ear, you are so proud of your new skill.
Your increasing the speed of your crawl and pulling up on just about anything that doesn't move. And have had a few failed attempts at trying to pull to a stand on things that do move. For example your brother or the dog. Neither of them are too fond of encouraging your new found skill. A few bumps to your noggin are evidence of that.
While I am discussing your skills - thank you for making the discontinuation of bottles simple.
You were just done.
One day, I put an end to your morning bottle and within 48 hours you were down to just one a day. Within 48 hours of that you'd said good-bye completely.
All on your own.
I was willing to give you 3-5 more months - although that would have been more for me.
To prolong your infancy and that sweet cuddly time we had when you were drinking your bottle.
I'm happy for you, with your new found mini independence.
It's been a small challenge for me, not to be sad that my little one is growing so so fast.
But I tell myself, if you're happy, healthy and growing then I am doing my job.
Keep up the good work Miss Kathryn.
Look Mom! I'm standing!
(Please please please do not fall and crack your chin/face/head
on that window sill)!!!
It's from our pumpkin plant.
Paul planted this in the new landscaped area around our front yard tree.
I'm thinking we'll get 5-6 pumpkins from this plant.
Can't wait to see them!

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