Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Awwww..... siblings.
What this doesn't show was someone hitting someone else as said person tried to confiscate the truck they are sitting on.
Produce a plenty! This was batch # 3
of applesauce, as well as a double batch of apple ricotta muffins and an apple pie. These are good eating apples and then I have one more 5 gallon bucket of apples that I am working on - that is currently batch # 4 of applesauce. If I have enough energy and my aching (from all the peeling and coring) hands hold out, I would like to get one more pie done, to freeze - or take to work. We'll see about that one.
A HUGE thanks to Ryan and Kathryn's "Papa & Grandma Soon", my father and mother in law, for all the work they put into picking the produce for us! And thank for your time with watching the kids - we're so grateful!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

1st Step!

I totally forgot to mention in the last post that Kathryn took her first step last Saturday (9/18/10)! Subsequently has taken 1-2 steps twice since then. To see the smile on her face, as she does it - nothing can warm my heart more. * Her vocabulary is up to probably 40-50 words. This morning she said pancake to me, and then all done, as she threw it on the floor. Joey thinks it's awesome once food hits the floor - helps with the clean up, for sure. * She's got 6 teeth, working on the 7th. And I am pretty sure nothing makes her happier than pulling her socks &/or shoes off, right after I put them on. It's a game to her, so if you see me in public with a barefooted child just know I tried. She doesn't seem to care if it's cold or raining out!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fall Activities

Applesauce making!
Two batches down, hopefully 2-3 more to go.
That will depend on if I can get my hands on more apples.
Ummm, ya.
A day in the life of messy.
Hanging out in the car before her dentist appointment.
Ryan did wonderfully. He looked scared during the X-Ray's, but followed directions - except for being a little wiggly when supposed to hold still.
Using her new toothbrush He loved this part. There is a TV on the ceiling - making him nearly unaware of what they were doing in his mouth! The Dentist - doing what dentists do

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I'm immensely proud of Ryan.
Day before Labor Day we had decided that would be the day we said good-bye to his diapers forever. I had hinted to Ryan it was coming, but didn't speak a lot about it, so not to get him anxious. That morning I made a big production over throwing away diapers (he did it himself), saying good bye to lying down for diaper changing and hello to big boy underwear. Then, for his next 48-72 hours, while awake, I was with him every second to watch for the squirmy actions prior to you know what. I followed a method written in a book about potty training in 3 days, and by golly it works. Took Ryan a few more days to get the hang of going #2, but now he goes independently for both. I was consistent (thanks to tips in the book) and he benefited from that. I'm so glad it's been tackled and accomplished!
Now that Kathryn is mobile Ryan is finding more reasons to be the "big brother". He's pretty sure everything in this house is his. And if Kathryn has it, he wants it. I've seen a few not so gentle pushes, kicks, bonks to the head all to inform her he's the boss. Kathryn usually goes along with his bossiness - although I have seen her strike back a few times. He also helps her get herself in situations she should not. Like opening doors for her and encouraging her to go through them. Opening the baby gate and coaxing her from the other side. I've always called her a little stinker, but now she's got a sidekick.

can you tell they are thrilled to be wearing wolf ears?

Ryan is the only one of all his 3 year old friends that is not in preschool. It wasn't really a decision we had to make mostly because any good preschool out there, is not cheap. And unfortunately the funds are not there to place him in school. I know he would enjoy it, so we'll look forward to next year and reevaluate him attending. Until then, I am going to enjoy him being home. Once he starts school, there is no going back. I'll never again have this opportunity to have both my kids at home and watch them interact - good and bad!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Kennel Up!

For the record, no child was wrongly or unwillingly
confined for the purpose of these pictures.
Oh, Little Miss.
My sister said to me today, something along the lines of, "I can just look at her and see the wheels a turnin'". Umm, yes. For sure.
She is studying, learning, plotting, planning all of her future moves with those eyes of hers.
I get the feeling she is going to try to outwit, outlast and outplay her parents.
Well Miss K, we're in it for the long haul, so give it your best shot! This is her 3rd or 4th time of taking the dogs water bowl and purposely dumping it on herself. Then will happily play in it until I intervene.
Ryan, got wet once or twice and never touched it again when he was in the midst
of toddler-hood.
Kathryn seems to like the thrill of her mother's gasp every time she does it.
Ryan hand-me-down jammies
An honorable mention to Demeter - kitty.
Low feline on the totem pole and she is pretty darn tolerant
of little hands hugging (squashing) her.
An uncontrolled hair kind of day.
Proudly showing her cruising skills.
Look Mom - No hands!
And a very pretty dress from my dear friend.
Thanks Linda!
Korrynee's beautiful front yard