Saturday, September 4, 2010

Kennel Up!

For the record, no child was wrongly or unwillingly
confined for the purpose of these pictures.
Oh, Little Miss.
My sister said to me today, something along the lines of, "I can just look at her and see the wheels a turnin'". Umm, yes. For sure.
She is studying, learning, plotting, planning all of her future moves with those eyes of hers.
I get the feeling she is going to try to outwit, outlast and outplay her parents.
Well Miss K, we're in it for the long haul, so give it your best shot! This is her 3rd or 4th time of taking the dogs water bowl and purposely dumping it on herself. Then will happily play in it until I intervene.
Ryan, got wet once or twice and never touched it again when he was in the midst
of toddler-hood.
Kathryn seems to like the thrill of her mother's gasp every time she does it.
Ryan hand-me-down jammies
An honorable mention to Demeter - kitty.
Low feline on the totem pole and she is pretty darn tolerant
of little hands hugging (squashing) her.
An uncontrolled hair kind of day.
Proudly showing her cruising skills.
Look Mom - No hands!
And a very pretty dress from my dear friend.
Thanks Linda!
Korrynee's beautiful front yard

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