Before I get to one of the longer nights of my life. . . .
Ryan completed his first session of swimming lessons.
Did he learn anything? Ummm, a little.
Does he need a lot more time in the water and instruction for swimming and water safety?
Heck yes!
We are going to skip the Winter session for swim lessons and probably jump back in, Spring session. Instead he is going to learn basketball - on a Rookie Basketball team, offered at the Y.
He's way more excited about that, than he ever was swim lessons.

And now on to a very very very long night for Paul and I.
Kathryn started with a stomach bug early Thursday morning. No details needed as I know everyone has experienced the fun of said stomach bug.
She was tired and not real happy on Thursday, but seemed to rally a bit on Friday.
Friday night, oh about 10 pm we heard, "I'm all messy!!!" And sure enough, Miss Kathryn was nice enough to share her nasty bug with Ryan.
For sympathy I guess, Kathryn again joined in on Ryan's fun all Friday night as well. Simultaneously with Ryan I might add.
Every hour to two hours we had our work cut out for us. I have honestly lost count of how many loads of laundry I've done. I quit counting after 7 loads.
Oh and in the midst of this the washing machine plumbing acts up and we have puddling water all over the kitchen floor (yes my laundry facilities are in my kitchen - it's a small house). Thank you Drano for fixing that problem.
Here it is Sunday and I am crossing my fingers we've passed the worst of it. Ryan has no appetite and Kathryn seems to still be struggling with some digestive issues - but they are both happy.
Here's Demeter-kitty keeping watch over Ryan as he slept off his sickness.
He napped for a total of 6 hours on Saturday!
And then slept another 12 Saturday night.

More Christmas fun

Helping Daddy with the Christmas tree lights

We went with a mini tree this year.
I love the big one we had last year, but I felt claustrophobic in my own living room.
This one is a bit on the small side, but functional and nicely priced.

And take your last look at that ugly window in our living room!
Come the 23rd that window and the kids room window are being replaced with new ones - WAHOOOOO!
The windows are circa 1940's and horrible at keeping the cold out.
A very good friend of mine pointed out that "old people" get excited about new windows - and well I am going to be 40 in February. This is just practice at thinking like an old person. Ha!
1 comment:
sometimes we just need sleep, huh, ryan! Oh, good times Krista! You will remember it forever for sure!
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