Thursday, February 10, 2011

18 Months

Miss Kathryn hit the 18 month old mark.
She's doing all she is supposed to do, developmentally. She tries her best to keep up with Ryan which results in split lips, forehead lumps and bruises. I think she is on her 5th split lip currently. The last one was a doozy and had me really looking to make sure her teeth were not damaged. Running became her most recent physical skill and now she will run everywhere. Walking must bore her because is she can put those little feet in action, she will.
I've described her as sassy recently, or feisty. She is! Strong willed for sure. Dramatic as well. I have seen her not get her way and become so upset she'll fall backwards and smack her head. We went through a hitting phase - mostly directed at me. A few times at Ryan and a few times at poor Joey. Joey just looks at me like, "What did I do to deserve that?!" I think we're past the hitting - thankfully. She's moved on to refusal of diaper changes, clothing changes and being placed in the car seat. That girl is STRONG!
I clearly remember Ryan being more challenging at this age. I am finding it harder to cope with, probably because I have two to contend with. Often if one is having a hard time, the other finds a reason to act up as well. One thing I do find endearing is that Ryan does not like his sister to cry. If he does something to make her cry he'll run and hide. If she hurts herself or gets busted for something she wasn't supposed to do, he'll bring her toys to try and appease her. And say, "It's ok, Kaffrin, it's ok."
18 Month check up stats:
Weight: 26-6 lbs = 80%
Height: 32 1/4 in = 70%
Two shots - DTaP and Hep A
That completes her vaccine series until she is 4 years old.
Unless the routine schedule changes, as it always seems to do.
Aunt Korrynee got to be her nurse again and did her shots. Kathryn holds no grudges against her and quickly gave a hug after it was all done.
Unfortunately this is a picture free post.
I have pictures of recent activities but our computer is having some sort of glitch when I try to pull them off the camera. I don't have the patience to deal with it right now - so once we can get that fixed I will upload.

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