Can't say that I was dreading the 4-0 mark, but I did not quite embrace it either. I was more than willing to watch the date come and go - and have no fuss about it. Up until 24 hours prior to the weekend my birthday fell on, I really thought there would be not much going on. Thursday night, Paul starts in on what he thinks we should do - go stay in the condo downtown (trendwest) and do some downtown activities. Let the kids swim in the pool, have his parents watch them in the evening and then do a night out for dinner, dessert etc. I made arrangements for Joey to stay with Korryn and Kelsey (QPT as Kels calls it = Quality Poodle Time) and started making the mental check list for a night away. The next day (Friday) Korryn, Kelsey and I had planned on going to the Seattle Aquarium with the kids. I normally work Friday's but took the day off months ago, in case Paul and I were able to get away to celebrate my birthday. One look at our recent financial situation and we knew that was not possible, so I had a day free. Little did I know that the aquarium plan was just a ploy to keep me from making other plans. Korryn and Kelsey show up and right behind them was Kerri and they say, "Pack your bags for 3 days!" After freaking out and trying to figure out what was going on, trying to figure out who was going to watch the kids, dog etc., (all had been pre-arranged) I got my bags packed. Paul then shows up at the door, gives me a kiss and says have fun! Two hours later on the freeway north and no more Washington State exits to be had, I knew we were going to Canada. They took me to Vancouver, British Columbia for two nights just for fun, good food, champagne, and relaxing. It was amazing. The weather was too good for words. Crisp blue sky and cold. The four of us got a good run in on the Vancouver sea wall Saturday morning. Had coffee and muffins for breakfast, walked through Stanley Park. Met some friends, more coffee and chatting. Had one of the best dinners of my life at a restaurant called Italian Kitchen. Not only fantastic food, but a dreamy, funny and very professional waiter named Alistar. We had some amazing meals, lots of laughs and it was a really nice, surprising way to turn 40.
For weeks prior to my birthday I had been reflecting on my past 20 years. A true sign of getting older I am sure. 20 years ago I had just moved to Washington State from Illinois with my parents. Three weeks later I moved to Seattle, got a job in a nursing home and really started my life as a grown-up. Clearly aimless, with not a clue on what to do with my life I found myself in LPN school. Graduated in 1995. Had a good job at a hospital and also landed a job taking care of a gentleman named Steve who had Lou Gehrig's disease. That job not only taught me a lot about myself but gave me the insight and strength that I lean on to this day. I turned 30 in those years that I worked with him I somehow convinced myself RN school would be a good idea. Steve let me study while on duty with him. I truly think, without that I would not have been disciplined enough to do it on my own. It was a self study course offered to LPN's and I kicked some RN school butt and got through it. I am still very proud of that accomplishment. Graduated in 2003. Two days later got married!
After the 2.5 year stint in Los Angeles Paul and I find ourselves back in Seattle. Two weeks later got pregnant with Ryan. . . . . . . then Little Miss Kathryn makes her appearance two years after Ryan. . . .
And I turn 40 and know what my plan is now, for at least the next 20 years of my life. I am a wife, a mom, a nurse and so very content with all of that.
To my parents who helped me get through the first 20 years of my life, thank you.
To my sisters who I loved, hated, fought with, laughed with - you are my best friends and my life is rich beyond words with you two in it.
To my kids, who I hope will read this in the future. Being your Mom completes me. I sound cliche' but there is no better way to say it. I didn't know I needed you in my life until I had you. I love you so much and can't wait to see what the years have in store for us.
To my husband who is along on this journey with me, thank you. For your love, patience, probably sometimes tolerance and support. I love you.
Coffee with myself and three of the most beautiful women in the world, inside and out.

Right before our morning run
(I love this picture!)
This totally made me cry! Love you, right back. It was so much FUN planning this weekend, and actually having it be a surprise for you made it even better!!
What a neat post. Hugs.
totally got teary reading this. love you so much sis and thank you for letting us whisk you away for a few days.
This was an amazing post and it brought tears to my eyes! I am so glad you had an awesome birthday!
Love you~
Happy Birthday, Krista! What a fun way to celebrate. Sisters are amazing - and YOU are amazing. This was a beautiful post to read, and I'm so happy for you that things are going so well for you and your family!
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