I asked Ryan some questions today. This is what I got in return:
Favorite color? blue
Favorite fruit? pear
Favorite food? yogurt
Favorite dessert? ice cream. When asked what flavor - cherry. (Odd I don't recall him ever having cherry ice cream)
Favorite animal? horse. When asked what horse? The snow horse. And when I pressed him for more info he acted like that was the dumbest question ever, because duh Mom, the SNOW horse! (still have no clue)
Favorite person? Daddy (gee thanks buddy)
Favorite care-giver? Auntie Karol
Favorite toy? Guitar
Favorite song? Sesame Street videos
Favorite thing to do outside? play soccer
Favorite thing to do inside? Eat Vitamins (hahahhahaha - I love this kid)
Favorite TV show? Kipper the Dog
Favorite book? Kipper the Dog book
Favorite place to go? To the airport (don't recall him ever going there, except when he was 8 months old!)
Favorite restaurant? The mall restaurant (I'm thinking Red Robin)
Favorite sister? "Kaffrin" (trick question, I know)
Favorite thing to do at Aunt Korrynee's? Play with Lego's
Favorite thing to do with cousin Kels? "Try to keep Kelsey and Michael away from me, to not bug me" lol (Korryn, I swear this is what he said!!)
Favorite friend? Alec, Cooper and Raigan (nice of him to not play favorites!)
Totally fun asking these questions.
Love the randomness of some of his answers.
Three year olds have the best, most unique, imaginative answers/thoughts/ideas.
Some recent activities around here
Stump removal - Paul style
This stump is back by our sandbox and needed to come out so we could fix the brick border around the yard. You can see the brick border there. It's been broken since we moved in - and we are hoping we can get it back in place and have it look somewhat decent.
The stump is completely out from it's roots, but still sitting in the hole.
Damn thing is heavy! We're still trying to figure out what to do with it and how to actually get rid of it.
I love it, Ryan is adorable.
ditto to Kara's response!
Hilarious! He is such a cutie pie!
ok, made me laugh! I think he might be referring to the "chase" game my kids do with your kids. Maybe?? haha!
Woooow Ryan. never playing with him again
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