I am so grateful for dryer weather! Little more warmth and it will be perfect.
Our little Kathryn turned into a mini inferno for nearly 72 hours last week. We got back from the zoo on Thursday, she was a little warm to the touch and found that she had a 103.8 fever. Her temperature bounced up and down for about 60 hours - up to 104.2 at one point. Through it all, she was irritable and did not sleep well but still had all her normal energy. I still don't know why she had the fever because no real symptoms appeared after the fever subsided. Her appetite was non-existent - leaving her probably a pound or so down. That pound lost changed her quite a bit actually. Her cheeks are not as full and her wonderful toddler belly is decreased. When I look at her she actually looks more grown up. She lost some if her toddler-esque looks, leaving her looking like a mini preschooler. She's fast approaching 22 months old, so of course her turning two is right around the corner. Still so young, yet growing and growing and growing. And then when she talks to you, you think she's 5. Her new nickname is Boss-Lady - she likes things to go her way and will let you know when it's not her plan!

Putting a net over the veggies not to keep any animals out, it's to keep the kids out!
Joey, protecting the garden, I guess?
I think this is one of Ryan's favorite spots in the yard. The previous fence had a taper to the wood design so when the new fence went in they did something similar. The neighbor gentleman, Johnny (he's in his 80's I think), often peeks his head over to say hi. Ryan loves this guy. And I am pretty sure Johnny gets a kick out of the kids.
Singing Mr. Moon.
A song I grew up with.
Kathryn has on another classic outfit.
The zoo has a cool dinosaur exhibit right now
Ryan, Kathryn and Ryan's new friend Effie
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