Sure, I knew going into parenthood it would be a learning experience. I don't think I realized how much I would learn about myself in the process. It's been interesting to say the least. And rewarding beyond words. A few simple things that I have learned lately:
1)With warmer weather, come dirtier children - therefore a dirtier house. The amount of stuff that gets tracked in, with kids running in and out is astounding - especially with those two beautiful rhododendron plants outside our back door. Their beautiful flowers now gone - leaving sticky stuff ALL OVER. I can't keep up on a spotless house and that's ok. At least that is what I tell myself when I step on gritty sand an hour after I swept. I don't need to keep up. Take that time and spend it outside in the sandbox with the kids. I will have the time and desire to clean up later. 2)And on a similar note - I have decided to quit mopping on a regular basis. A mopped floor is just begging for a cup of milk to be spilled. Or a container of yogurt to get dropped - and boy that stuff can fly! If I mop and something gets spilled my first instinct is to get aggravated. It's not any one's fault stuff gets dirty. Accidents happen. No use crying over spilled milk, right? I'll save the mopping for when needed. 3) I will burn more food now than I ever have in my life. I am not prone to burning food - I can usually keep track of what's cookin'. But I now have multiple tasks at hand - besides cook, being a referee is high on the list. I really want to take the approach of - You two work it out yourselves - but Kathryn is a bit young to not be manipulated by Ryan. I have to step in now and again (or what feels like over and over again). I burned the quesadilla the other day in the midst of reviewing the house rules of NO HITTING with both kids. So be it. Such is life. I like things to go as planned and have in the past gotten ruffled feathers when it hasn't. I'm learning, slowly but surely it doesn't always go as planned, nor does it need too. I'm thankful for Mommy-hood 101. I hope I am a better Mommy because of it.
Recent stuff:
Kathryn has just rocked the whole potty training thing. On about day 9 or 10 it all clicked and we've been mostly accident free since then. 2-3 nights of the week she'll wake up wet and the others she is totally dry. Very proud of my little girl and thankful to Ryan for encouraging her and giving me the tools to help her, by him going through it first.
Kathryn also just got hit with another febrile illness and is about 24 hours into it. She is so so MOODY. My bag of tricks to comfort her is not working, making it hard for all of us.
Not much new for Ryan. He seems to have sprouted an inch or two and still talks non-stop about everything/anything/nothing. Today he gave all of us imaginary names. Paul is Frank. Kathryn is Reena. Ryan is Bryan. And me, well I am Brunch. Yes, Brunch. Ummm, errr... ok. Odd and yet oh so funny! I am grateful for our backyard and fence. Giving me the ability to open the back door and let him go out and play, minimally supervised. I cook or do laundry so I can see him, but feel content to have him out there on his own. Joey watches too. If Ryan is out, I make sure Joey goes too. She'll bark if anyone attempts to open the fence gate. Ryan is a happier boy being able to play outdoors.
A true face plant. She was running down hill on a street and crashed - face first.
Thank you Walbrun family for that gift!
Do they look alike there, or what?!
And that is chocolate pudding aftermath.
Her Daddy's hat when he was a kid. She requested the hat accompany her dining that evening
Dinner with friends and a little music
Picnic with cousin Blake in our back yard
Bath time after hours in the sandbox. I washed them down. Drained the water of all the dirt and sand and started over.

Actually I did not make the cake for the dogs birthday. I made it as a trial cake for a cake I am making for work on Tuesday. I have never made this kind and did not want to bring a flop of a cake to my co-workers. Good thing I did too. That cake was heavy as a rock - no joke.
Looked pretty once frosted though - and it was really Joey's 8th birthday, so we made an occasion out of it. The kids loved it, but they had no clue it was not at all how it should have been.
1 comment:! Good post Krista! I will look back at this in a few years!
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