
- Still has a bit of snuggle in her, especially when tired. She curls her little body up in the crook of my arm when we are sitting, sucks on her right index and middle finger and hangs on to her security blanket that happens to be a cloth diaper.
- When she see's something she thinks is cute, i.e. puppy, baby cow or even an airplane so high in the sky it looks itty bitty, she tells me she see's it in a voice that is an octave or two higher than her usual tone.
- She'll shrug her shoulders as if "I don't know" when I ask a question to her that she wants to be coy about answering. A glimpse of what's to come in the adolescent years?
- When Ryan is busy elsewhere, she'll sit and play contentedly for up to a half hour. If Ryan is here it seems as if someone is always in someone else's space.
- Her hair has awesome highlights. She was born with brown hair and now it's a mixture of brown/blonde and some lighter highlights. I love it & can't wait to see what it does next.
- She's a fish. No fear of water what-so-ever. I too was a fish, but do remember being afraid of swimming when I was 4 or 5. She has none of that.
- May possibly be a budding adrenaline junky. On the merry-go-round at the park, "FASTER!" On the swing, "HIGHER! SUPER DUPER HIGHER!" Out for a walk, "Let's RUN!"
- I love this next one about her, but it also creates a bit of frustration in some situations. "I DO IT BY SELF!" Independent little soul, that one. Once that phrase is said, look out and don't intervene, unless absolutely necessary. It just cascades downhill from there.
- When in a situation she's not so sure about, she will bury her face in my leg and wrap her arms around my thigh. Then peek to see if the situation has changed.
- Lastly and the best. When the mood strikes her she's very verbal with things she knows we want to hear. "I lub (love) you Mommy. I lub you Daddy. I lub you Ryan. I lub Joey too. And kitty."
- A major dislike: BITING. Usually towards Ryan, but occasionally she'll try to get me. I always seem to be caught off guard, over react, get super MAD at her and never respond in the same way twice, in order to get this biting business to stop. This behavior has me baffled - and it's got to stop.
At her two year check up
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