Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Christmas card photo I REALLY wanted to send out. . .

Oh Ryan, forgive me for this.
It was a successful, yet challenging photo shoot.
We did get some great photo's, I will always cherish my yearly Christmas photos.
Korryn takes on the task of wrangling my kids and getting some pictures of them. Every year she gets some amazing and memorable shots.
And cooperative/successful shots
2011 Annual baking day at Korryn's
Ryan was totally in to it this year and did a pretty good job of decorating.
Kathryn was a mess - as all 2 year old should be :-)
She started the morning at Korryn's very pouty, verging on tantrum-like, but pulled out of it once we got busy doing the cookie thing.
Paul's birthday came and went as he spent the day doing jury duty.
We postponed our birthday baking until a day we knew he would be home.
Chocolate cupcakes with chocolate butter cream frosting. The frosting tasted soo good. Although looks a little like. . . . umm, well something that is not typically placed on a cupcake. :-))
Ryan's friend Alec spent the afternoon here and got the chance to frost their own cupcakes.
Alec was fantastically clean about the whole thing. My two - were not.


Amy and Matt said...

oh I LOVE Ryan's face in the first photo! This is definately going up at a wedding slide show! =)

Trinkly said...

LOVE! I miss seeing the kiddoes on a regular basis and am so grateful for the blog, FB and Korryn's camera that keep me up on their lives and yours. (Especially with that empty nest around our house - your stories make me nostalgic and empathetic at the same time). xoxox