Wednesday, July 17, 2013

 Seaside 2013
So much for my goal of updating the blog monthly. . . here it is mid-July.  I missed June all together.
First a Seaside post, then a recap of summer so far.
Once again, picture overload but it's too hard to pick good ones to post.

Upon arrival - the annual ride on the luggage cart.
 Preparing for the first trip to the beach

 Wave avoidance:

 First trip to the arcade.  Kathryn was Ryan's biggest cheerleader.
"Go Ryan!"
Go Ryan!"
Ryan was instantly hooked on arcade games and the candy his tickets would buy.
 Little speedster

 Off to Pig N Pancake
 Good fun, until Mom gets nauseated. 
 You know you're old when you can't handle the carnival rides anymore!

 Ice cream for lunch.  I think I was the coolest Mom that day.

Sure sign the kids are getting older.  Traveling with them is more fun than work now.

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