These pictures are a tad out of order. . .(**and I realized after I arranged this post and published it that I previously posted the cousin picture. Just below I mention how tiring parenting can be. . . here's a prime example - it eats my memory!!**).... but I am going to just leave it be. Life with a 6.5 year old and a 4.5 year old is very fun. And very tiring. My brain gets tired by days end. I wonder how many child questions I field and answer in one day, and how many of those questions I answer appropriately!
Easter : )
The second annual Easter Beagle hunt outside. This year the Easter Beagle hid colored eggs specifically for each child. Ryan got two colors, Kathryn got two colors to hunt for. This way Kathryn doesn't get skunked by the faster big brother!
Here is where the scissor over use comes in. . . . . .
Within 24 hours this adorable little munchkin cut her Rapunzal Barbie's hair (think buzz cut), her Ariel Barbie's hair, the fuzz off her fuzzy slippers and decided to trim her hair. She had some hair strands that were wispy and in her face - so she cut them. Out of all the haircuts I have seen done by children, she did a darn good job here. Not like her mother, who had bangs and took a chunk of those bangs practically down to my scalp!
My first home made, kindergarten art class assisted Mother's Day gift from Ryan. I got all teary!
Spirit week at school - crazy hair day! A tiny mohawk was all we could muster with his short hair!
Opening day of fishing season.
Also last known picture of Ryan's fishing pole.
Ryan went to cast into Martha Lake and let go of the pole at the same time. Down sunk the Snoopy fishing pole to the bottom. A learning experience indeed.
Some Star Wars fun after a Star Wars themed birthday party next door for neighbor friend, Cooper's birthday. : )
An unseasonably warm day in Seattle - early May. The sprinkler came out!
Lastly, a few from our trip to Paul's parents home.
Waiting in the car while Dad runs into a store.
One happy child.
One surly child.
The cousins!
Another home made cake. : )
This one made for Grandma Soon's 75th birthday celebration.
My favorite cake so far!

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