Thursday, March 5, 2015

Yipes! Some major catching up to do. . . . .

The first family photo we've done in a long time.
Kathryn's 5 1/2, Ryan's 7 1/2.  
Ok, catch up time.
Paul's job started. It's gone really well from my point of view.  It's been a great transition for Paul as well.  Paul is much better suited for the Finance world, and instantly he was a happier man when the job started.  The hours are more suited for our family.  The salary matches what we need to survive with comfort and have some aspirations to finally do some house remodeling.  My big wish is new windows!  In the blink of an eye, 5+ years of being stressed about commission income dropped and I feel like I can breathe, pay bills and just enjoy more aspects of life with out worry.  SO grateful for this turn of events on our lives.
The kids are in the 2nd half of their school year.  Ryan's continuing to show real progress in reading.  Kathryn's penmanship is amazing.  They both do well, love school and still love recess the most.  : )
 Kathryn photo bomb  : )

We braved the crowds at Mariner's FanFest this year.  Crowded it was, but walking on the field of play (even though we were herded like cattle) was exciting for the kids.

 This year's Valentine mini cakes.
I am really starting to like the mini cake thing.  Not nearly as time consuming as big ones!
 Miss Demeter kitty and Kathryn.
Once upon a time I thought these two would never be friends.  Now I find kitty willingly going to Kathryn's room to jump on her bed to get a chin scratch and snuggle on Kathryn's fuzzy blanket.  They're on Ryan's bed in this picture.
Last day of winter session swim lessons.  
This was a frustrating session for me, because Kathryn's instructor was WORTHLESS.  Both kids are in the same level of class, but had different instructors this time.   Ryan needs to work on technique to move up to the next level and Kathryn has better technique but needs stamina.  Her instructor never let her swim more than 5-6 paces then would help her turn around, basically throw her through the water, halfway back to the wall... eliminating any chance to work on her strength.  In the end, Ryan was not moved up to the next level, but Kathryn was - and I completely disagree.  The next level, kids have to swim the entire length of the pool.  She can't do it, the instructor never tested that, yet he moved her up anyway.   Grrr.  I think I will ignore both instructors, keep Kathryn where she is (unless she has him again) and move Ryan up.  I think he's ready.

 We are toothless in front!
Ryan let his last front tooth hang on for weeks.  Having it out of there makes that little face soooo stinking cute - can't stand it!!
And another family photo to tie this post up.
Although, I can add a little self drama I'm currently experiencing.
I have shingles.
On my eye and face.
Not in my eye (at least I hope not, seeing an eye doctor today) thankfully.
Shingles is no joke. 
 It's unlike pain I have ever known.  Every so often I get a jolt of pain that stops me cold.  Those jolts are brief, lasting only a few seconds. 
My appearance right now, well let's just say it's not pretty.  It changes daily.  I think I am hours away from blisters erupting on my forehead and temple. 
This adventure was made much easier with the help of the fabulous people I work with.  My co-worker, a receptionist who used to work in Dermatology diagnosed me.  She took one look at me and said, "I think you have shingles."  I considered the symptoms I've had for the 4 days prior and it all made sense.  Yup, I had shingles. One doctor there started the anti-viral treatment for me, another called an eye doctor to see at what point I would need to see an eye doctor since it's so close to my eye.  That same doctor checked up on me via text. Other co-workers have texted to check on me. My place of work is my extended family.  They love me, I love them.  At times it's a very difficult job.  At times it's a very easy job.  It's the right job for me. 

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