Saturday, December 31, 2016

Wrapping up 2016

 It's New Year's Eve.
Christmas has come and gone.
Kids go back to school in 3 days (yes!!)
It'll be 2017.

This year I pulled together another home made advent calendar for the kids.   Here's what was included:
  1. Skittles
  2. Coupon for a bakery item at Central Market
  3. Money from Grandma Kathie.  $20 for each - to be used on a toy that was donated in a toy drive
  4. Cinnamon raisin peanut butter packet
  5. Puzzle pieces
  6. Gum
  7. Movie ticket
  8. Caramel corn
  9. Band-aids
  10. Note from Aunt Kerri
  11. Menchie's coupon
  12. $7 for pizza at school that week
  13. Slurpee coupon from Paul
  14. Note and candy from Aunt Korryn
  15. More puzzle pieces
  16. Gum
  17. tiny boxes of raisin's
  18. Box of Mac 'n Cheese for Ryan, packs of fruit cocktail for Kathryn
  19. Coupon for Chuckie Cheese or Bullwinkle's - from Paul
  20. Coupon for Mom to clean their room
  21. Fruit leather
  22. last of the puzzle pieces
  23. Goldfish crackers
  24. Lego set for Kathryn, Minecraft building set for Ryan. Wrapped and placed under the tree.
I used muffin tins, covered with a thin magnet  - decorated with the number and stickers.  Often times the item was too big, so I put in a slip of paper to hand to Mom and redeem the treat.  This is a lot of fun for me.  Wonder how it will morph as they grow.

 A bit of delightfulness (I know, it's not a real word) from Kathryn.
She gave me this bag of "hugs & kisses" to keep with me.
And this little one loves her - whatever these creatures are called. Sparkly eye'd fluffy things

Annual baking day at Korryn's.
The unfamiliar face photo bombing the picture is Jade.  Michael's college friend, and also Korryn's boyfriends daughter

 Kathryn participated in a local church choir and Christmas pageant this yeas with her friend Lexi. They were both angels.

Then there was Christmas.
Top gifts this year were:
For Ryan:
A electronic football game
A drone
Baseball cards
Pokemon card set
Pokemon Monopoly

For Kathryn:
2 stuffed bunnies to join her other bunny friend "Bun Bun"
And ASPCA stuffed kitty
American Girl doll horse with saddle
 a pink fluffy robe

For Joey:
milk bones
toy duckie (a favorite toy she's had in years past)

For Demeter:
kitty treats
more kitty treats

 The aftermath and no one in sight to pull it back under control
 Mini snowman that's just as adorable as she is.
 Lastly, a blessed day to spend at the zoo with these two.
Honored beyond words to be a part of their lives.

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